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Julia A. Seymour | October 1, 2009

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Unemployment under President Barack Obama is at a 26-year-high. The last time the economy had 9.7 percent or higher unemployment was under President Ronald Reagan. But despite similar periods of rising unemployment…

Dan Kennedy | September 30, 2009

Gee, wasn’t it Obama who swore to end the influence of lobbyists in government?

So we should believe that Al Gore is not a big, fat lobbyist. It is pure coincidence that the start-up electric car company Gore is invested in and backing…

BMI Staff | September 30, 2009

Networks Flip Flop on Jobs Unemployment has reached a 26-year-high under President Obama, but a look at network media coverage from 1982 reveals a huge difference…

Dan Gainor | September 30, 2009

Somewhere in our office are old bumper stickers proclaiming: “Proud Member of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy.” They are relics of another time, when Bill Clinton was president, his wife Hillary had shown her political acumen doing health care…

Jeff Poor | September 25, 2009

Recent videos from two investigative reporters, James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles, with the help of Andrew Breitbart, showed that community-group ACORN engaging in scandalous practices. But MSNBC host Rachel Maddow argued Sept. 24 that wasn’t the…

Jeff Poor | September 25, 2009

Remember “Baghdad Bob,” the Iraqi Information Minister Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf? Even with Iraqi forces in a full rout and American Marines just blocks away Baghdad Bob would completely deny the presence of U.S. troops in the Iraqi capitol.…

Jeff Poor | September 24, 2009

No one can accuse “CBS Evening News” anchor Katie Couric of being totally in the tank for President Barack Obama – at least when it comes to the issue of health care.

Couric appeared in a Facebook exclusive video chat on Sept. 24 and…

Julia A. Seymour | September 24, 2009

Millionaire Michael Moore says capitalism is evil and that the entire system should be thrown out for one that is “democratic” and “fair.”

That’s the overarching message of Moore’s new documentary, “Capitalism: A Love Story,” which will be…

Jeff Poor | September 24, 2009

The progressive mindset is a curious one, as evidenced by New York Times columnist and Nobel Economics Prize recipient Paul Krugman.


Krugman appeared on MSNBC’s Sept. 23 “The Rachel Maddow Show” and lamented that the Obama…

BMI Staff | September 23, 2009

Media Embrace Millionaire Moore's Vendetta against Capitalism Film critics praised Michael Moores latest piece of propaganda, Capitalism: A Love Story, but…

Dan Gainor | September 23, 2009

Nar-cis-sism – noun

1.      inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity


In mythology, Narcissus was the guy who fell in love with his own reflection.

In 2009, he’s the…

Dan Kennedy | September 23, 2009

I’m in the advertising business, so it’s not all that easy to show me a sales pitch I’m shamed by. But I found one over the weekend, while I was wandering around in a middle-class shopping mall in Jacksonville, Florida. In front of a store, a…

Jeff Poor | September 22, 2009

This could be dismissed as anti-human – but the theory the environment can be saved by encouraging the use of birth control is one that has been popular with media some environmentalists.

CNN’s Lou Dobbs certainly hasn’t shied away from…

Julia A. Seymour | September 16, 2009

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke announced on Sept. 14 that the “recession is very likely over at this point.” Good news if he turns out to be right, but it will also mean that the network news media were wildly wrong about the economy –…

BMI Staff | September 16, 2009

The Media Depression that Wasn't (Even Close) Major news outlets spent much of 2008 and 2009 portraying the U.S. economy as on the brink of a second…

Jeff Poor | September 16, 2009

Michael Moore, the man of many hats – documentary filmmaker, political scientist and now, singer.


Moore has been making the rounds to promote his new movie, “Capitalism: A Love Story.” On NBC’s Sept. 15 “Jay Leno Show,” Moore…

Dan Kennedy | September 16, 2009

Here’s a number you’re not likely to hear from the nightly news: According to the CNW Marketing Research Automotive Consumer Spending…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | September 16, 2009

Editor, Financial Times

Clyde Prestowitz makes his case for higher tariffs by slaying a strawman ("Obama can help free trade with tariffs," Sept. 10).  According to Prestowitz, the case for free trade rests on "the assumptions that the…

Julia A. Seymour | September 15, 2009

Just one year ago the investment firm Lehman Brothers collapsed, kicking off a financial panic. CNN spent much of “American Morning” Sept. 14 arguing that nothing has changed to prevent another financial collapse and that Wall Street needs more…

Jeff Poor | September 14, 2009

The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), also known as the Black Press of America, which is a non-partisan 501(c) 3 tax-exempt organization, has decided to show its disapproval of South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson’s “You Lie” remarks by…