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Joseph Rossell | October 30, 2014

Bankers and capitalism are to blame for worldwide economic turmoil. That’s the controversial perspective preached by a reinvented Sherlock Holmes character on CBS’s “Elementary,” played by British actor Jonny Lee…

Joseph Rossell | October 30, 2014

Bankers and capitalism are to blame for worldwide economic turmoil. That’s the controversial perspective preached by a reinvented Sherlock Holmes character on CBS’s “Elementary,” played by British actor Jonny Lee Miller.

Matthew Johnson | October 27, 2014

The Ebola epidemic in Africa is one of the worst public health crises in recent memory. The deaths of so many is a tragedy, one that Salon writer Robert Hennelly used to blame American “greed,” “capitalism” and spending priorities. 

Julia A. Seymour | October 20, 2014

Obama has been a champion of equal pay for women, at least according to his administration and the network news media.

The broadcast networks boosted his image on the subject throughout his presidency, from the…

Matthew Johnson | October 14, 2014

To many people the Girl Scouts and cookies are synonymous, but liberal environmentalist and anti-obesity crusader Laurie David was unhappy with a recent announcement for Girl Scout branded, cookie-flavored drinks by Nestle.

Joseph Rossell | October 10, 2014

Eco-lefty David Roberts is at it again: spewing hateful remarks about people he disagrees with.

Roberts, a staff writer at the liberal environmental website, and self-described “climate hawk,” tweeted…

Matthew Johnson | October 7, 2014

The liberal media did a terrible job covering the IRS scandal, but one conservative set out to expose the government agency with a documentary film.

National syndicated radio host and movie producer Craig Bergman’s movie…

Matthew Johnson | October 2, 2014

Another day, another incident blamed on climate change.

In an attempt to shore up climate concerns, ABC, NBC, and CBS all aired stories on Oct. 1, claiming large gatherings of walruses were the result of less ice and…

Joseph Rossell | October 1, 2014

Oscar-winner Ben Affleck told NBC’s Brian Williams that the city of Detroit would be a more deserving recipient of U.S. foreign aid than the countries currently receiving funds.  Affleck discussed several of his new film…

Matthew Johnson | October 1, 2014

The mounting problems of failed computer models and an 18-year old “pause” in global warming hasn’t stopped climate alarmists from proposing radical changes for the sake of the planet.

One of those calls came from Moby,…

Matthew Johnson | September 24, 2014

Author and columnist Naomi Klein is still having trouble getting her facts straight. This time, in an interview with MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” she tried to argue China is not a communist country, even though it is run by the…

Mike Ciandella | September 24, 2014

The UN Climate Summit 2014 was a glaring example of hypocrisy. Just the speakers alone, not the attendees or notable guests for the summit, traveled a grand total of 1,036,537 miles from locations as distant as China, India and Peru. That’s…

Julia A. Seymour | September 22, 2014

Not only did the broadcast networks spent more time on the People’s Climate March, than the March for Life, they portrayed it positively, ignoring all the radicalism promoted by participants.

NBC “Nightly News,” ABC “World…

Mike Ciandella | September 16, 2014

The media should be reporting on this, but they consistently ignore it.

Legal battles against state governor’s with higher political aspirations keep cropping up. But looking deeper into attacks on Republican governors…

Julia A. Seymour | September 4, 2014

Consumer Reports admits that fish are a high-protein food that provide “important fuel for your baby’s brain development,” but the magazine is upset by the Food and Drug Administration’s latest advice on fish consumption.

Mike Ciandella | September 3, 2014

As the school season starts up again, parents will be facing the choice of having their kids buy their lunch or pack it. With the changes to the National School Lunch Program, many are choosing to brown bag it.

But in…

Mike Ciandella | September 2, 2014

The same year that former Vice President Al Gore predicted that the Arctic sea ice could be completely gone, the ice has actually reached its highest point in two years. This revelation comes from a report by the Danish Meteorological Institute…

Dan Gainor | August 25, 2014

The Obama administration continues its push to regulate for-profit colleges and national media outlets have joined in and overwhelmingly taken the side of bigger government.

Three top newspapers – The New York Times, the Los Angeles…

Mike Ciandella | August 18, 2014

Update, August 19: On ABC “World News with Diane Sawyer” on Aug. 18, Senior National Correspondent Jim Avila included a soundbite from Texans for Public Justice Director Craig McDonald in his story. McDonald was merely introduced as a “…

Mike Ciandella | August 13, 2014

A new report suggested that liberal billionaire Tom Steyer’s hedge fund profited from a $1 billion San Francisco light rail project pushed by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. Steyer was also a big supporter of Pelosi.