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Mike Ciandella | April 2, 2014

CNBC contributor Rick Santelli ranted against the media’s tendency to accept certain things as settled fact.

According to Santelli, the media, “whether press, TV or whatever it is,” aren’t focusing enough on presenting hard data. “I don’t…

Mike Ciandella | March 31, 2014

The son of one of the largest liberal donors of all time campaigning against money in politics might seem a bit strange.

What's even stranger is that, while he was spearheading that campaign, he was simultaneously vice chairman and director…

Julia A. Seymour | March 18, 2014

Science blogger and biological anthropologist Greg Laden once said that taking away the future from generations by promoting climate denial was a “criminal act.” He doubled down on that March 16, saying that was only “wishful thinking”…

Sean Long | March 13, 2014

Coal opponents have sought the end of the industry for years, especially through increased regulation. But two environmental activists are proposing a far different solution: buy it out and shut it down.

Eco-lefties Felix Kramer …

Sean Long | March 6, 2014

Like a simple parlor trick, the networks are able to make skeptical scientists vanish, at least from the eyes of their viewers.

In some cases, the broadcast networks have failed to include such scientists for years,…

Julia A. Seymour | March 5, 2014

In a huge victory for the second-largest U.S. oil company, a U.S. district judge ruled March 4, that a $9.5 billion award against Chevron by an Ecuadorean court was “obtained by corrupt means.” The massive figure had been lowered by…

Sean Long | March 3, 2014

Any climate alarmist will tell you that climate change is increasing extreme weather events, but liberal billionaire Warren Buffett easily destroyed that argument.

Buffett told CNBC March 3, that extreme weather events haven’t…

Julia A. Seymour | February 28, 2014

The limited government, anti-bailout Tea Party movement party turned five years old on Feb. 27. They marked the occasion with an event in Washington, D.C. including speakers Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn. Sen. Rand Paul, R- Ky., and Sen…

Julia A. Seymour | February 25, 2014

Chipotle says it’s all about “food with integrity.” “Facts with integrity,” not so much. Marketing efforts by the burrito chain once owned by McDonald’s smear many of America’s farmers and use scare tactics to drive consumers away from…

Mike Ciandella | February 24, 2014

“Opening Bell with Maria Bartiromo,” hosted by the former CNBC host, premiered Feb. 24, on Fox Business Network. According to Business Insider, part of the appeal for Fox News to hire Bartiromo was her ability to “book big-name…

Mike Ciandella | February 24, 2014

The FCC may have suspended its invasion into American newsrooms, but the controversial "Critical Information Needs" study also has George Soros' fingerprints all over it.

While disturbing, this should come as no surprise since…

Julia A. Seymour | February 4, 2014

A growing anti-Israel movement recently targeted fizzy drink machine maker, SodaStream, and its celebrity spokesperson: Scarlett Johansson.

Johansson, a Jewish-American actress, recently starred in a Super Bowl…

Mike Ciandella | February 4, 2014

The American Studies Association is asking its member universities to join the growing academic boycott of Israel. Eight out of the 14 member universities of the ASA’s National Council that approved the boycott have received more than $…

Sean Long | January 21, 2014

Two liberal senators that claim news networks don’t cover climate change enough are pressuring them to do more, even as a winter deep freeze kept much of the country shivering. But as the Media Research Center and others have already…

Mike Ciandella | January 17, 2014

Hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars have be paid to a liberal journalism group, and the agencies responsible don’t seem to want to talk about it. But some in Congress aren’t afraid of the issue. Rep Lamar Smith, R-Texas, addressed the issue…

Mike Ciandella | January 17, 2014

When President Obama needs help, he can always turn to one of the Soros inner circle. In a speech on Jan. 17, Obama announced that his new Presidential Counsel John Podesta will lead a "comprehensive review of Big Data and privacy,"…

Sean Long | January 17, 2014

If you’re trying to convince your child that there’s no such thing as monsters, Greenpeace just made your life a lot harder.

Greenpeace recently unveiled a new anti-chemical campaign aimed directly at children, warning…

Sean Long | January 16, 2014

Climate alarmists seem willing to bear everything to promote their end-of-the-world hysteria. Now, one activist is willing to bare it, as well - stripping while dressed as a polar bear.

The left-wing eco-site Grist published an…

Mike Ciandella | December 30, 2013

Scientists on a climate change expedition to Antarctica have been stranded since Christmas morning because the ice trapped their ship. Yet, the networks have nearly ignored what the mission was all about.

But the…

Julia A. Seymour | December 19, 2013

A South Dakota circuit court judge heard arguments on Dec. 17 from both sides in the lawsuit by Beef Products Inc. (BPI) against ABC News over its coverage of lean finely textured beef in 2012.

Reuters reported that ABC’s lawyers asked…