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Julia A. Seymour | January 19, 2015

The broadcast networks hustled to report NASA and NOAA data that claimed 2014 was a record hot year. But now both agencies are being criticized by scientists accusing them of “deception” over the statistics.


Julia A. Seymour | January 12, 2015

In an economic columnist face-off, The Washington Post’s Robert J. Samuelson declared Paul Krugman of The New York Times wrong about inflation history.

Samuelson said that Krugman’s Jan. 5, column made a “glaring error”…

Joseph Rossell | January 6, 2015

The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, started creating even more headaches for both employers and employees across the country beginning Jan. 1, 2015.

That was the day Obamacare’s employer mandate went into…

Joseph Rossell | December 17, 2014

A class action suit filed by families of Sandy Hook shooting victims could “go nowhere” because of a 2005 law protecting gun makers, but that crucial point was ignored in most network stories about the lawsuit.

A lawyer…

Julia A. Seymour | December 16, 2014

Although 2014 was an election year, venomous attacks weren’t just in the campaign commercials. Most recently, anti-business attacks came from protesters across the country in the form of #ShutItDown. And there were many other anti-…

Joseph Rossell | December 11, 2014

As gas prices have plummeted, cost savings arguments for hybrid cars took a hit making them a less attractive option.

Bloomberg Businessweek suggested Toyota must hope prospective buyers of their Prius hybrid “don’t pull…

Julia A. Seymour | December 11, 2014

So much for responsible treatment of the planet.

Peruvian officials were furious with Greenpeace activists who they said left footprints in the desert when the famous Nazca lines are. The Nazca lines are a UN world…

Julia A. Seymour | December 8, 2014

The dramatic fall of gas and oil prices meant relief for holiday travelers and more money in the pockets of shoppers. MarketWatch reported one estimate of the savings that equated it to a $75 billion tax cut for households.

Mike Ciandella | December 5, 2014

Liberal billionaire Tom Steyer has had a really bad year.

He failed to get other left-wing donors to join his crusade to make climate change the No. 1 election issue. Then he wasted nearly $75 million backing liberal candidates. Four out…

Julia A. Seymour | December 3, 2014

The Atlantic hurricane season has ended on Nov. 30, and once again it went out with a whimper. That was good news for coastal residents in the U.S., since the “weak” 2014 hurricane season continued the nine year “drought” of major…

Joseph Rossell | November 20, 2014

Left-wing website AlterNet declared pets “Public Enemy Number Two,” just days after one of its writers shamed moms as “environmental villains” for having children.

AlterNet, which is known for its kooky posts, has…

Matthew Johnson | November 18, 2014

“Interstellar” was a highly anticipated film, and one many liberals outlets expected to be the latest film to portray climate change as the cause of a dying Earth.

Writers at major news outlets like The New York Times…

Joseph Rossell | November 14, 2014

President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping’s deal to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions in both countries couldn’t have come at a more ironic time.

Their Nov. 11, announcement came just days before…

Joseph Rossell | November 14, 2014

Five years ago, a huge document hack and leak occurred at the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit. The incident became known as ClimateGate and the leaked files and emails damaged the credibility of global warming…

Joseph Rossell | November 14, 2014

First Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, compared net neutrality to “Obamacare for the Internet,” and now outspoken businessman Mark Cuban has tweeted that Obama’s proposed policy is something “straight out of Ayn Rand.”

Cuban, owner of the NBA's…

Joseph Rossell | November 12, 2014

The Republican “wave” in the Nov. 4, 2014, midterm elections had many reasons, but at least one was dissatisfaction with the economy. While, the three broadcast networks acknowledged the elections were bad for Democrats, they…

Joseph Rossell | November 5, 2014

Add climate alarmists to the list of liberals freaked out by the 2014 midterm election results. If you believe the far-left eco-blog Grist, “the worst is yet to come” for “environmental policy.”

Ben Adler warned readers…

Joseph Rossell | November 4, 2014

Global warming proponents started calling opponents climate-change deniers. Liberals could add economic-recovery deniers to their phrasebook next.

Despite the “objective reality” of an economic recovery this year, columnist Lynn Vavreck…

Joseph Rossell | November 3, 2014

Watch out, because greedy businessmen might start fracking under your neighborhood, making your drinking water flammable and causing earthquakes.

The popular, animated satire, “The Simpsons,” made fun of hydraulic fracturing on its Nov. 2…

Joseph Rossell | October 30, 2014

Media outlets spent years bashing for-profit colleges and universities, calling for regulation, claiming they provided “woefully inadequate education,” all while ignoring these institutions’ efforts to educate underprivileged students…