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Luis Cornelio | December 19, 2023

From mass digital ID verification to the purge of right-leaning media, former Google CEO Eric Schmidt has the answer on how the left can best defeat its critics ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

Schmidt — the former tech executive…

Tom Olohan | December 19, 2023

For his final episode of the year, milquetoast comedian John Oliver took a moment to shill for the dystopian social media censors exposed by The Twitter Files during a 27-minute-long monologue of smearing X owner Elon Musk.


MRC Staff | December 19, 2023

Anti-free speech Google has been hit with multiple antitrust lawsuits. 

Google suffered an epically devastating defeat in federal court on Dec. 11 after EPIC Games Inc., the company that created Fortnite, successfully sued Google.…

Catherine Salgado | December 18, 2023

Libs of TikTok bashed “anti-free speech” Disney for having a double standard for its advertising on social media.

The Disney Company pulled ads on X (formerly Twitter), which is owned by Elon Musk, but did not do the same on Meta or…

Luis Cornelio | December 18, 2023

The federal collusion with infamous Internet traffic cops — NewsGuard and Global Disinformation Index — is likely on the chopping block.

The 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) includes a provision that bars the Department of…

Joseph Vazquez | December 18, 2023

A columnist for The Observer apparently didn’t sense the comedic value in telling readers with a straight face that the clownish concept of Bidenomics is somehow finally starting to work.

Columnist Will Hutton’s Dec. 17 headline was just…

Autumn Johnson | December 15, 2023

The United Kingdom issued guidance on the use of artificial intelligence that takes society’s reliance on AI to a whole new dystopian level.

The British Courts and Tribunals Judiciary announced on Dec. 12  that court officials are…

Tom Olohan | December 15, 2023

The Daily Wire host Matt Walsh declared that "the Bud Light boycott is still on,” after Dana White called for conservatives to drink the woke company’s beer. 

On the Dec. 13 edition of The Matt Walsh Show, Walsh explained that the…

Craig Bannister | December 15, 2023

Liberal media are declaring Bidenomics a success – but, hard numbers tell a much different story, regardless of whether the measure is how much Americans are paying, earning or saving.

Gas prices:

While gas prices held steady…

Catherine Salgado | December 14, 2023

MRC’s Dan Schneider joined Newsmax to highlight explosive MRC research on how ratings firm NewsGuard has become more biased than ever.

For the third year in a row, MRC Free Speech America exposed NewsGuard’s worsening bias against right-…

Luis Cornelio | December 14, 2023

Get your tuxedo ready! One of the fastest-growing artificial intelligence companies has officially tied the knot with notoriously leftist legacy media to prop up its content in chatbot responses.

OpenAI, the infamous parent company of…

Joseph Vazquez | December 13, 2023

There seems to be no end in sight for the media gaslighting on President Joe Biden’s abysmal economy. One economist has had it.

Business Insider had the audacity to publish an asinine piece of economic propaganda Dec. 3 that reeked of a…

Catherine Salgado | December 13, 2023

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) denounced multiple brands that pulled their advertising from X, but have refused to address the national security risks of Chinese-owned TikTok.

Rubio issued a press release announcing he sent letters to 18…

Tom Olohan | December 13, 2023

Old Glory Bank Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer Eric Ohlhausen responded to a Bloomberg article on net-zero banks in an exclusive interview, saying that both U.S. and foreign banks are working to clamp down on farmers in the name of lower…

Luis Cornelio | December 13, 2023

MRC President and Founder Brent Bozell delivered a scorching rebuke of self-anointed internet traffic cop NewsGuard following the release of another report exposing the media ratings firm’s extreme leftist bias.

Speaking to Fox Business…

Catherine Salgado | December 12, 2023

Former Vice President, climate activist and Apple board member Al Gore has a new scheme for Big Tech algorithms.

Speaking at the Bloomberg Green Summit at COP28, climate doom prophet Gore compared online algorithms to AR-15s and opined, “…

Catherine Salgado | December 12, 2023

MRC Vice President Dan Schneider says the “tide has turned” against government-funded censorship.

MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider and The Federalist’s Ben Weingarten went on Newsmax’s Rob Schmitt Tonight on Monday to…

Joseph Vazquez | December 12, 2023

Internet traffic cop NewsGuard has gotten worse. A new MRC Free Speech America analysis shows the notorious leftist media ratings organization is more biased against the right than ever before.

MRC Free Speech America investigated…

Luis Cornelio | December 11, 2023

The New York Post journalists who uncovered the Biden bribery scandal that broke the internet amid the 2020 presidential election spoke candidly with MRC Vice President Dan Schneider about Big Tech censorship on the latest episode of MRC…

Catherine Salgado | December 11, 2023

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) bashed “the establishment’s campaign to crush dissent” through tech-government censorship collusion.

Paul wrote a Dec. 7 op-ed for Fox News about the government-created Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) that…