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Corinne Weaver | December 21, 2018

Liberal media panicked over Facebook this week in the wake of several revelations about data and privacy at the social media platform. A few prominent celebs even deleted their accounts.

The New York Times set things in motion when it…

Alexander Hall | December 20, 2018

YouTube admitted it was militant about removing and censoring content this year. 

Between July and September, YouTube removed 58 million videos, 1.67 million channels, and 224 million comments for violations including inappropriate…

Corinne Weaver | December 20, 2018

Fox News won’t stop boycotting Twitter for its treatment of Tucker Carlson.

According to Bloomberg, the news outlet blames Twitter for the advertising boycott that the left has rallied behind. In response to Carlson’s stance…

Julia A. Seymour | December 20, 2018

The liberal media were at it again in 2018, continuing to misreport, exaggerate, censor and spin business and economic news.

Some moments were laughable, such as when a New York Times reporter implied America no longer uses coal for…

Julia A. Seymour | December 19, 2018

The liberal media have always been selective about what to report on left-wing billionaire George Soros. But lately outlets have started blatantly defending and celebrating the left’s top donor, even naming him “Person of the Year.…

Alexander Hall | December 19, 2018

Facebook has given far more private information to companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Spotify than previously thought.

The New York Times reviewed over 270 pages of internal reports detailing but a fraction of Facebook’s deals…

Corinne Weaver | December 19, 2018

Facebook worked with far-left “civil rights” groups during the election, according to a new “civil rights audit” from the company.

In a post to Facebook’s blog on December 18, COO Sheryl Sandberg wrote that…

Alexander Hall | December 18, 2018

Google is apparently abandoning its attempt to create a search engine for the Chinese market -- an effort that both tarnished its public image and caused massive internal conflict.

The communist Chinese government wanted a search engine…

Alexander Hall | December 18, 2018

Facebook is more concerned about protecting Palestinians from hate speech than about hosting terrorist propaganda on its site.

On December 16, Israeli PM Netanyahu’s son Yair was quickly suspended for 24 hours for ranting about…

Corinne Weaver | December 18, 2018

The number of Facebook’s enemies on the left is growing, and they’re making more and more demands including that CEO Mark Zuckerberg resign.

A coalition of 31 left-wing groups, including the controversial Southern Poverty Law…

Alexander Hall | December 17, 2018

Online media platforms are slowly taking away the ability for conservative-leaning creatives to have an income. Now, some social media stars are talking about a solution.

After the deplatforming of a famous free speech YouTube personality…

Corinne Weaver | December 17, 2018

A new study has claimed Russia’s online interference tried to aid the conservative movement and Donald Trump. There’s a big problem with that assessment. It comes from a left-wing operation that previously classified more than 11…

Alexander Hall | December 13, 2018

Liberal journalists have been throwing wild accusations at Facebook for enabling “fake news,” foreign interference, and “conspiracy theories.” Now even its own fact checkers are upset.

When Facebook first hired…

Julia A. Seymour | December 13, 2018

The media don’t like it when people point out their direct ties to the left. The Washington Post defended liberal billionaire George Soros and his funding of left-wing journalism outlet ProPublica Dec. 13. The paper lashed out at a GOP…

Corinne Weaver | December 13, 2018

Zeal for eradicating “hate speech” can go too far on Facebook.

Imam Mohammad Tawhidi, a leader in the Islamic reform movement, posted a humorous Christmas video on December 11 mocking jihad. He was then promptly notified by…

Alexander Hall | December 12, 2018

Liberal media companies from tech to culture blogs have united to deny conservative claims and to argue Big Tech bias is “fake news.”

The comments came in response to the Capitol Hill questioning of Google CEO Sundar Pichai.…

Alexander Hall | December 12, 2018

Republicans hit back hard at Google bias yesterday on Capitol Hill. Google CEO Sundar Pichai testified before Congress and tried to defend his company’s reputation against accusations of bias, censorship, and spying on Americans.

NB Staff | December 12, 2018

Google CEO Sundar Pichai tried and failed to fend off questions about conservative bias on the world’s most-powerful search platform yesterday. The House Judiciary Committee hearing included numerous examples of congressmen trying to…

Julia A. Seymour | December 11, 2018

The U.S. created 155,000 jobs in November. Although it was lower than forecasts the number was “not bad.” In fact, it’s still more jobs than are needed to keep up with population growth and drive down the already low…

Corinne Weaver | December 11, 2018

Google’s CEO came to the House Judiciary Committee hearing on Dec.11, but was unwilling to play 21 questions.

Five House representatives, from both political parties, asked CEO Sundar Pichai questions about Google’s…