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Alexander Hall | November 30, 2018

Twitter stocks dropped Thursday in the wake of new transgender censorship policies and pressure over banned accounts — including a boycott by Fox News. The stock saw a tiny boost in its share price to finish out the week.


Corinne Weaver | November 30, 2018

Research has shown that Google has a habit of downranking conservative news in the search rankings. Now The Daily Caller has proof of employees wanting to do so.

The Daily Caller published leaked emails from Google on November 30, which…

Alexander Hall | November 29, 2018

With concerns about tech bias dominating the news cycle, Google wants to remove its information panel from search engine results.

The Knowledge Panel, generated primarily by crowd-sourced information website Wikipedia, is often the first…

Julia A. Seymour | November 29, 2018

As Facebook finds itself in the midst of another controversy, coming under fire from the left this time, it turns out a coalition attacking Facebook includes a prominent press union.

Facebook is in the midst of what Vox called a “…

Alexander Hall | November 28, 2018

Google CEO Sundar Pichai is heading to Congress to answer accusations his company censors conservatives, as well as respond to reports that the firm will create a censored search engine just for China.

While Pichai has travelled to…

Julia A. Seymour | November 28, 2018

Following his $100 million midterm donations to Democrats and an official party registration switch, many bet former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg will run for president in 2020. Let media speculation over his odds (and promotion of his…

Corinne Weaver | November 28, 2018

Twitter seems to be unprepared to deal with answering Congress’ questions, so instead it  backed off.

The platform caused an uproar on November 25 when it permanently banned conservative pundit and former Marine Jesse…

Corinne Weaver | November 28, 2018

The scariest thing about Google Search is the algorithms and changes that users don’t see.

Dr. Robert Epstein of AIRBT has spent years studying Google and the algorithms behind it. In a study released in April of 2018, Epstein and…

Julia A. Seymour | November 27, 2018

If you’ve been tuned into TV news the past few days, you’ve probably heard “climate change could strip away 10 percent” of U.S economic growth by 2100. What you likely didn’t hear was why that was an “…

Alexander Hall | November 27, 2018

Twitter’s CEO has some explaining to do over its double standard about how conservatives and liberals are treated.

On November 26, Meghan McCain’s husband Ben Domenech accused Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey of lying under oath.…

Corinne Weaver | November 27, 2018

Conservatives should just suck it up and accept their online punishments, according to Politico.

In an article criticizing the conservative backlash to Jesse Kelly’s ban on Twitter, Jack Shafer argued that there really wasn’t…

Corinne Weaver | November 26, 2018

Many in traditional media want to remove all conservatives from social media. After all, conservatives are like terrorists from their perspective.

In an editorial written by The New York Times, “right-wing extremism” took…

Alexander Hall | November 26, 2018

Only months after its CEO claimed Twitter “does not take sides,” Twitter unveiled a policy that bans people for disagreeing with trans ideology. A statement as simple as “women aren’t men” can now be a policy…

Corinne Weaver | November 26, 2018

Twitter’s war on conservative thought claimed new victims over the holiday weekend.

The PC banhammer struck down two popular accounts. Jesse Kelly, a Marine, former congressional candidate, and radio host, was banned on November 25…

Alexander Hall | November 21, 2018

The news media have figured out a way to fight the big social media companies — they want Congress to let them “collude against Google and Facebook,” according to Buzzfeed News.

The site reported that publishers are…

Corinne Weaver | November 20, 2018

Even liberal voices agree that Facebook is censoring people for their political views.

In an interview with Recode’s Kara Swisher, Knight First Amendment Institute’s Director Jameel Jaffer talked about protecting the First…

Alexander Hall | November 20, 2018

With concerns about privacy, misinformation, and bias on the rise, Senators Chris Coons (D-DE) and Bob Corker (R-TN) have warned that Facebook may soon face regulations if it doesn’t fix these problems.

According to Fortune’s…

Corinne Weaver | November 19, 2018

Conservatives are having a difficult time trusting that social media companies will protect the First Amendment.

In a new poll released by Axios, the general sentiment towards big tech companies such as Google and Facebook was negative. A…

Corinne Weaver | November 19, 2018

The press isn’t arguing any more: Silicon Valley is allied with Democrats. And The New York Times is worried that alliance is crumbling.

Democrats scrambled to condemn the company after fallout from a Times hit piece that accused…

Alexander Hall | November 19, 2018

Silicon Valley tech companies donate fortunes to left-wing politicians. Could this be why Democrats are so hesitant to regulate them?

Last week, The New York Times revealed that Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) pressured Senator Mark…