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Corinne Weaver | January 9, 2019

Google is being sued for censorship of conservative views -- again.

Conservative nonprofit PragerU, which has an extensive following on YouTube, has filed a second lawsuit against Google for continually putting their videos in “…

Corinne Weaver | January 8, 2019

Editor’s Note: Article Contains Graphic and Disturbing Content.

The double standard for what counts as anti-religious material continues.

CNN reported that Amazon took down products today that were reported as “…

Julia A. Seymour | January 8, 2019

Freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., has many policy ambitions, among them she floated the idea of hiking the top tax rate to a whopping 70 percent to pay for a “Green New Deal.”

Although a chorus of media liberals…

Alexander Hall | January 8, 2019

A jaded Google insider allegedly revealed how the company conspired to fire Google engineer James Damore. 

Damore made headlines in 2017 when he was fired from his engineering job by Google for writing a memo criticizing the extreme…

Corinne Weaver | January 8, 2019

Liberal abuse of Facebook to manipulate elections didn’t stop in 2017. A new Washington Post report indicated the same strategy was widespread in 2018 and earned as many as 16 million views in just a two-week span.


Julia A. Seymour | January 8, 2019

The December jobs report showing 312,000 jobs added was a “boom,” a “surge,” and a huge “surprise.” While all three networks noticed the big economic story on Jan. 4, ABC's World News Tonight with…

Alexander Hall | January 7, 2019

A futurist video game has had its future jeopardized after left-wing activists have blacklisted it because of a creator’s old tweets against radical feminism. This video game project The Last Night stole the show when its promo was…

Corinne Weaver | January 7, 2019

Democrats have now spent twice as much as the Russians on fake ads on Facebook. But the media still thinks Russian meddling is the problem.

The New York Times released a story on January 7, detailing the Facebook pages created by “…

Julia A. Seymour | January 7, 2019

Although the Golden Globes hosts were uninterested in pot-shots against the Trump administration this year, the group behind the Globes did announce $2 million in giveaways to the press.

“The freedom of expression that makes…

Alexander Hall | January 4, 2019

How should conservatives respond to attempts by social media platforms and search engines to stifle and censor them? In a clarifying debate last weekend, Tucker Carlson argued that laissez-faire doesn’t guarantee fair.

In his…

Corinne Weaver | January 4, 2019

Two giants are at war with each other. Who will survive the damage?

According to Byers Market, Mark Zuckerberg and other Facebook leaders are upset, to say the least, with the New York Times coverage of their company. Over the past year,…

Julia A. Seymour | January 4, 2019

The December jobs report crushed expectations on Jan. 4, with 312,000 jobs added, a strong participation rate, wage gains and two months of upward revisions. That was 136,000 jobs more than expected.

“It’s good for the economy…

Alexander Hall | January 3, 2019

Two social media stars are putting their money on the line by leaving the funding site Patreon to protest its banning users for political views — even without having an alternative. 

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Rubin Report host…

Julia A. Seymour | January 3, 2019

Political watchers are well aware that former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is probably running for president in 2020. That makes his media empire’s attacks on President Donald Trump more concerning than ever.

The cover story of…

Corinne Weaver | January 3, 2019

EDITOR'S NOTE, 3:41 p.m. Eastern: Roughly 15 hours after being locked out of his Twitter account, Twitter restored access to our colleague Nick Fondacaro's Twitter account. Twitter did not delete the tweet that they had previously claimed…

Corinne Weaver | January 2, 2019

A prominent internet billionaire and Microsoft board member spent $100,000 funding a campaign to manipulate the 2017 Alabama Senate special election. That race pitted candidate Republican Roy Moore and Democrat Doug Jones against one another.…

Alexander Hall | January 2, 2019

Facebook has banned conservatives again, this time Rev. Franklin Graham, who heads Samaritan’s Purse.

Facebook issued an official apology after banning iconic Graham for 24 hours over a 2-year-old post. In mid-December, Franklin…

Gabriel Hays | December 28, 2018

Facebook’s massive hate speech policies were blasted by The New York Times Thursday. The Times detailed Facebook’s current hate-speech failsafe controls as essentially “a network of workers using a maze of Powerpoint slides…

Gabriel Hays | December 28, 2018

Talk about seeing a silver lining in a market downturn. Grist columnist Eric Holthaus, a meteorologist and "ecosocialist,"  wants readers to know that a massive U.S. economic recession might be good news. Not for people but for…

Alexander Hall | December 21, 2018

A prominent YouTuber has gone from being banned to having Patreon change the rules and ban him for an entirely different reason.

Crowdfunding website Patreon had banned Sargon Of Akkad, aka Carl Benjamin, from its platform. Benjamin has…