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Corinne Weaver | January 31, 2019

The schools and studies that are shaping technology’s approach to fake news and censorship are biased in favor of the left.

A study released by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology opened with the premise that readers should be…

Alexander Hall | January 30, 2019

A Google executive sparked backlash from LGBT- supporting  employees after using the term “family” in an internal presentation.

The Daily Caller exposed a 2017 incident where Google was in uproar over a “family…

Corinne Weaver | January 30, 2019

Want a job at Facebook? You’re a shoe-in if your  resume includes having worked for liberal billionaire George Soros

According to Ars Technica, Facebook hired three people to analyze its privacy practices, which it mentioned on…

Julia A. Seymour | January 30, 2019

Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s potential third party bid for president has freaked out liberal media outlets including CBS. But that wasn’t always the media's attitude.

In 2018, CBS This Morning wanted to know if he…

Corinne Weaver | January 29, 2019

Facebook has mentioned that enforcing policies against “hate speech” is one of its priorities.

In a new announcement released on Facebook’s blog, the platform stated that it was looking into creating a board to help…

Alexander Hall | January 29, 2019

YouTube announced it is restricting more videos — including “borderline content and content that could misinform users in harmful ways.” The platform has a bad history of policing content.

YouTube posted in its company…

Alexander Hall | January 29, 2019

Left wing journalists once told working class Americans to “learn to code” and adapt to a globalized economy. Now those same journalists have been laid off, rumor has spread that users will be banned for tweeting the phrase back at…

Julia A. Seymour | January 29, 2019

Left? Lefter? Leftist? In the quest to see which candidate can be the most liberal, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren called for an “ultra-millionaire tax” to force the wealthy to fork over more to the government…

Corinne Weaver | January 28, 2019

Left-wing academia attacks conservatives and conservative news for “fake news.” But their studies fall short of proving this theory.

A new study found that “fake news was most concentrated among conservative voters.…

Alexander Hall | January 28, 2019

Facebook celebrates that it is “one of the best places to work for LGBTQ equality.” The company’s LGBTQ employment has jumped to eight percent in 2018, far higher than the 2017 Gallup Poll estimate that claims only 4.5 percent…

Corinne Weaver | January 25, 2019

When Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg talks about content now, he talks a lot about restricting speech.

Zuckerberg wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal to explain the platform’s nebulous position on free speech. While he admitted…

Corinne Weaver | January 24, 2019

Yet another new Facebook content policy has hit the platform, enabling Facebook to censor even more pages than before.

Facebook updated its fake news policy on January 23, to include some more reasons to take down pages and groups. If a…

Julia A. Seymour | January 23, 2019

U2 frontman Bono at least partly defended capitalism at the 2019 World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland.

His remarks came just days after outspoken Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. attacked the “system” and…

Alexander Hall | January 23, 2019

A deleted Twitter account that originally posted the edited video of the Covington kids and Nathan Phillips is now under scrutiny and bears a number of suspicious earmarks.

Twitter has banned @2020fight, the account that tweeted the…

Corinne Weaver | January 23, 2019

Twitter’s liberal CEO wants the platform to counteract President Trump.

In an interview with Rolling Stone on January 23, Jack Dorsey talked about the importance of being “a citizen of the world,” how Twitter should…

Julia A. Seymour | January 23, 2019

Media sensation Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. says billionaires are not a “moral outcome” in society.

Far-left author and journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates interviewed Ocasio-Cortez on Jan. 21, and asked, “Do we live…

Corinne Weaver | January 23, 2019

One of the world’s biggest tech companies funds one of the most prominent anti-conservative groups in the United States.

Google’s charitable branch has donated $250,000 to the Southern Poverty Law Center, since 2016…

Corinne Weaver | January 22, 2019

Facebook has demonstrated over the past year alone that it is not interested in promoting freedom of speech on its platform. To say the least.

Facebook’s COO Sheryl Sandberg spoke at the annual DLD Conference in Munich, Germany,…

Alexander Hall | January 22, 2019

Twitter took action against one account that promoted the false story about Covington students at the March for Life. The social media site also removed some tweets promoting violence, but still allows some verified celebrities’ violent…

Julia A. Seymour | January 22, 2019

HuffPost, your hypocrisy is showing.

As the 2019 World Economic Forum (WEF) meetings began in Davos, Switzerland, the left-wing HuffPost blasted the gathering. This was a complete 180 for the liberal outlet, which has strongly supported…