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Joseph Vazquez | July 15, 2020

Liberal billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundations are looking to capitalize on the riots, looting and racial unrest by announcing a massive multimillion-dollar initiative to promote so-called "racial equality."

The New York…

Corinne Weaver | July 15, 2020

Facebook, and Silicon Valley, are both “extremely left-leaning,” according to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. So it should come as no surprise that while progressive employees are given the chance to succeed, those who disagree with them are set up…

Alexander Hall | July 14, 2020

A former Wikipedia editor blasted Wikipedia for not being neutral, and slammed the platform for a multi-year scorched-earth campaign against popular conservative talk radio host Mark Levin.

A massive exposé accusing Wikipedia of having…

Alexander Hall | July 14, 2020

Instagram users attach “stickers” to label their story videos with humorous text, but even Instagram went too far on its own. It has removed the “MUTE WHITE PEOPLE” sticker after conservative journalists and Donald Trump Jr. torched the company…

Joseph Vazquez | July 14, 2020

It’s official: 2020 corporate America has gone bonkers. Burger King’s latest Twitter antics promoting climate change through a children’s video is just the latest example.

Popular fast-food chain Burger King posted a rank climate…

Joseph Vazquez | July 14, 2020

All three broadcast network evening news shows have been derelict when it comes to reporting good economic news during the Trump era. That continued with good news about sale of new houses.

Sales of newly built homes jumped…

Dan Gainor | July 14, 2020

Conservatives were already critical of Facebook’s new content Oversight Board. Now, they have even more reasons to complain.

Facebook released the third and final version of the radical left’s audit of its operations last week. As the…

Alexander Hall | July 13, 2020

Cancel culture has come for the foods in your pantry. After the CEO of Goya Foods risked controversy to express his support for President Donald Trump, Twitter has mysteriously censored two images of Goya Foods. 

MRC Latino’s…

Joseph Vazquez | July 13, 2020

Elites are literally begging world governments to raise taxes on the wealthy in a pathetic attempt to appear generous.

In a letter headlined, “Millionaires for Humanity,” liberal progressive signatories like Disney heiress and Emmy-…

Alexander Hall | July 13, 2020

Think Facebook is trigger-happy with censorship? Imagine how bad it would be if it caved to the left’s censorship demands!

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) slammed Facebook in a memo for “unkept promises” leading up to a meeting…

Alexander Hall | July 10, 2020

Twitter censored author James Lindsay the day after he discussed Cancel Culture with podcast host Joe Rogan. 

Lindsay, who calls himself the “leading expert on wokeness,” was temporarily suspended from Twitter after discussing cancel…

Alexander Hall | July 10, 2020

So much for Facebook’s noble position that the best policy for online speech is to allow more speech. In its latest concession to the left, Facebook is reportedly eyeing a complete surrender and shutting down political ads prior to the election.…

Joseph Vazquez | July 10, 2020

Good news. Bad news. It’s obvious which Bloomberg News prefers. 

Bloomberg News published a relatively positive economic report with the headline, “U.S. Initial Jobless Claims Fall, Ease Worry of Worsening Market.” Then, by…

Corinne Weaver | July 10, 2020

It appears as if Twitter does not want people to see a liberal meltdown over supposed racial insensitivity. 

“It hurts people when they see a white man bouncing a brown baby on their lap,” screamed New York City Community Education…

Alexander Hall | July 10, 2020

The Chinese social media app TikTok and its unscrupulous data harvesting might be facing a reckoning from the United States. Critics of the app range from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to famous gaming YouTuber “Ninja.” 

Now, as the…

Joseph Vazquez | July 10, 2020

It’s the end of civilization. Again.

Eco-extremists in the liberal media can’t even give themselves a 10-year gap for their end-of-the-world predictions. 

The latest Time magazine cover declared that 2020 is our…

Alexander Hall | July 9, 2020

Two GOP congressmen roasted Twitter in an open letter for allowing Iranian leaders more liberty to speak on the platform than President Donald Trump.

“Two U.S. Republican lawmakers accused Twitter on Wednesday of being biased against…

Joseph Vazquez | July 9, 2020

Leftist infighting over “equality” and “titles” is an ironic yet glorious thing to see.

The leaders of Sleeping Giants, a leftist “social media campaign group that has pressured companies to stop financially supporting”…

Joseph Vazquez | July 9, 2020

Catholic nuns won their challenge against the ObamaCare mandate to cover contraception. But in the NPR story, they were none. Public radio hid that the left was trying to force a religious order to violate its faith.

The Supreme Court, in…

Alexander Hall | July 8, 2020

A major hearing approaches with Big Tech CEO’s Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Cook and Sundar Pichai in the hot seat. Republicans claim they were not invited.

"We hope that this incident was simply a misunderstanding and not an…