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Alexander Hall | June 29, 2020

Activists realize they can bully people into giving them what they want by rioting in the streets or pressuring online. Reddit, like other corporations, has responded by giving them exactly what they want: shutting down pro-Trump political…

Joseph Vazquez | June 29, 2020

As corporate America continues to pander to violent left-wing mobs, Fox Business’s Charles Payne expressed major concern about what this trend could mean for conservatives in the workplace.

The Making Money with Charles Payne…

Corinne Weaver | June 29, 2020

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg once said, “I don’t think it’s right for a private company to censor politicians or the news in a democracy.” The sentiment seemed to vanish after a slew of ad boycotts and hit pieces in the liberal media. …

Alexander Hall | June 29, 2020

As the Trump administration initiates war on Big Tech censorship, President Donald Trump suspects that Silicon Valley liberals will use every dirty trick they can come up with, including censoring him.

Trump speculated in an interview…

Alexander Hall | June 26, 2020

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg caved to internal and external pressure and once again changed Facebook policies. He declared his platform will be “adopting some new policies to prohibit a wider category of hateful content in ads.”

In a June…

Alexander Hall | June 26, 2020

Imagine a groan-inducing trip to the Department of Motor Vehicles, but for social media censorship. Such is the Platform Accountability and Consumer Transparency (PACT) Act. 

The PACT Act, from Sen. John Thune (R-SD) and Sen. Brian…

Joseph Vazquez | June 26, 2020

It’s not enough for the leftist climate activist elites to promote their climate agenda in Big Tech company policies alone. Now Amazon has decided to infuse its climate agenda into the naming of a stadium to shove it into sports fans’ faces.…

Alexander Hall | June 25, 2020

Instagram has reportedly censored users from sharing a video by Christian missionary and Bethel Music artist Sean Feucht. The artist said the platform is “classifying my WORSHIP videos as ‘harmful or false information.’”

“An Instagram…

Alexander Hall | June 24, 2020

Twitter has continued its unabashed attacks on President Donald Trump and his allies by permanently suspending well-known, pro-Trump meme creator Carpe Donktum. 

“I have been Permanently Suspended by twitter for the Todler [sic]…

Joseph Vazquez | June 24, 2020

If you think New York Times economist Paul Krugman’s op-eds are bad, his Twitter account is even worse. It’s a collection of babble, not the commentary of a Nobel laureate.

Krugman is no stranger to saying indefensible or…

Heather Moon | June 23, 2020

Twitter is at it again. The social media site censored President Donald Trump’s response to raging protests just outside the White House. Trump warned the attempt to turn historic St. John’s Episcopal Church into a “Black House Autonomous Zone”…

Alexander Hall | June 23, 2020

President Donald Trump’s signed proclamation to halt visas that import foreign workers has enraged Big Tech leaders. Apparently diversity and cheap labor are more important to them than aiding American workers during an unprecedented economic…

Alexander Hall | June 23, 2020

Google has an infamous history of censoring conservatives, and now it has claimed that it will bring fact-checking to Google images. 

Google will soon start fact-checking photos and videos in an effort to ensure that people "have…

Corinne Weaver | June 23, 2020

Censorship doesn’t just stop at blocking freedom of expression. Banks and financial processors wield the power to halt one’s livelihood at the mere accusation of “hate speech.” 

PayPal and Visa have blacklisted some users based on…

Corinne Weaver | June 23, 2020

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently stressed the company’s commitment to freedom of speech in an op-ed for USA Today. But an undercover investigation by Project Veritas into the world of Facebook’s third-party content moderators casts doubt on…

Corinne Weaver | June 23, 2020

Even the most woke of companies can’t seem to win when it comes to political pandering. Snapchat, one of the more progressive social media platforms, pushed a cringe-inducing filter to celebrate “Juneteenth,” and was bullied to publicly apologize…

Alexander Hall | June 22, 2020

The news media have spent four years screaming about allegations that Russians hacked the 2016 election. Fast forward to 2020 and people are now using the Chinese app TikTok to sabotage President Donald Trump’s election rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma.…

Alexander Hall | June 22, 2020

Twitter has censored British conservative commentator Katie Hopkins for reportedly mocking a threat of violence by one of her detractors. Twitter, being Twitter, decided she was the dangerous one.

Hopkins “received a permanent ban from…

Joseph Vazquez | June 22, 2020

Left-wing super PAC Priorities USA Action continued to bombard the TV airwaves with misleading ads in an attempt to destroy President Donald Trump.

Priorities USA Action’s latest incendiary anti-Trump ad, spot titled “Lack Of Leadership…

Corinne Weaver | June 22, 2020

The liberal media is building its own web of conspiracy theories about President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign. The New York Times seems to think he’s made a deal with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg as part of the grand plan.