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Alexander Hall | December 7, 2020

The Senate Commerce Committee voted to advance the nomination of a man who, if elected commissioner, could protect free speech on the internet. 

National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) senior adviser Nathan…

Joseph Vazquez | December 7, 2020

Not reporting one major stock record is bad enough. And yet, the ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows decided it was fine to black out news on three major stock indexes that hit new records.

The censorship of positive news in the…

Kayla Sargent | December 7, 2020

A fact-checking website may not even be able to properly check the facts in its own articles when the facts don’t line up with its narrative., which  partners with Facebook to fact-check articles and social media…

Corinne Weaver | December 7, 2020

Twitter’s war with President Donald Trump and the Trump campaign has claimed at least 100 more casualties in the form of labeled tweets.

Since Monday, Nov. 30, Twitter has slapped 111 labels on Trump’s tweets and the tweets from his…

Kayla Sargent | December 4, 2020

Facebook has, once again, decided to step up its censorship game.

The social media platform has reportedly decided that it will remove what it deems to be “false claims” about the COVID-19 vaccine that could be available around the world…

Alexander Hall | December 4, 2020

One America News Network (OAN) proclaimed that it will switch to Rumble, a free speech alternative to YouTube. 

OAN announced it has “decided to #MakeTheSwitch to #Rumble, where we can freely report the news without restrictions or…

Joseph Vazquez | December 4, 2020

Bloomberg News owner Michael Bloomberg spent millions trying to prop up pro-abortion candidates in the 2020 elections.

Open Secrets records show Bloomberg gave the Planned Parenthood Votes (PPV) super PAC at least $4 million in the 2020…

Alexander Hall | December 3, 2020

Even The Washington Post has called out Facebook for its new racial double standards. 

Facebook “is overhauling its algorithms that detect hate speech and deprioritizing hateful comments against Whites, men and Americans,” The…

Joseph Vazquez | December 3, 2020

New York Times blowhard economist Paul Krugman continues to brazenly contradict himself with impunity. The Washington Examiner’s chief political correspondent Byron York has finally had enough.

In his Dec. 1 Daily Memo, York ripped apart…

Alexander Hall | December 2, 2020

Twitter Safety is rolling out new dystopian policies to regulate the speech of its users.

Big Tech wants Americans to exchange their freedoms for false guarantees of “safety.” “Today, we’re expanding our hateful conduct policy to address…

Kayla Sargent | December 2, 2020

Facebook’s new censorship process has taken off, and the platform’s Oversight Board has released the first six cases it plans to review. 

The Facebook Oversight Board (The Board) does have a period for public comment for the posts…

Joseph Vazquez | December 2, 2020

The woke “capitalists” at the Nasdaq stock exchange are pushing to force its listed companies to adopt leftist identity politics. And the liberal media are salivating all over it.

Nasdaq recently filed a proposal with the U.S.…

Alexander Hall | December 2, 2020

President Donald Trump has thrown down the gauntlet: Take action on Section 230 or bring defense authorization to a screeching halt. 

The president threatened to veto the National Defense Authorization Act unless section 230 is…

Alexander Hall | December 1, 2020

Liberals and their media allies can’t wait for Big Tech to ban President Donald Trump forever.

CNN senior media reporter Oliver Darcy demanded that Big Tech work overtime to crack down on Trump’s speech in a CNN media newsletter, FoxNews.…

Alec Schemmel | December 1, 2020

The Babylon Bee, a Christian news satire site, has been repeatedly fact-checked by Facebook fact-checkers who don’t seem to understand satire. When The Bee created “Not the Bee,” a news blog focusing on real headlines, fact-checkers – again –…

Kayla Sargent | December 1, 2020

While Twitter eagerly slaps warnings and labels on tweets from President Donald Trump like there’s no tomorrow, the platform is still unwilling to take action against Chinese misinformation.

Twitter placed an interstitial, or filter, over…

Joseph Vazquez | December 1, 2020

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows are trying to insulate former Vice President Joe Biden from bad news that could undermine confidence in his leftist economic agenda.

Small business confidence fell to an “all-time low” after…

Joseph Vazquez | December 1, 2020

A top food chain CEO bashing socialism should be news, just not to the ironically named liberal outlet Newsweek. 

Whole Foods co-founder and CEO John Mackey said on Friday that “Socialism has been tried 42 times in the last…

Alexander Hall | December 1, 2020

One man’s potential nomination to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) may change the future of the internet. 

President Donald Trump’s impact on the fight for free speech may be decided soon, as a Wednesday vote approaches on…

Heather Moon | November 30, 2020

Facebook’s latest faulty “fact check” shows how little regard the company has for facts or experts. 

Facebook added a USA Today “fact check” to a post of a Just Facts study that investigated non-citizens voting in battleground states…