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Alec Schemmel | November 30, 2020

Conservative commentator Candace Owens fought back against Facebook’s left-wing fact-checker PolitiFact and won.

The fact-checker retracted a “false” rating it gave to a video posted by Owens on Nov. 12, and issued a correction admitting…

Alexander Hall | November 30, 2020

Just build your own platform, but wait, not like that! Liberal media and commentators condemn conservatives for abandoning censorious Big Tech platforms for Parler.

Conservatives launched an exodus to free speech platform Parler after…

Kayla Sargent | November 30, 2020

Twitter is all too eager to crack down on what it has deemed to be misinformation from President Donald Trump. Yet it appears all too willing to ignore obvious disinformation from a Chinese government account. 

Australian Prime…

Joseph Vazquez | November 30, 2020

It took Election Day being over for CNN to slam Democratic hypocrisy on the use of dark money. 


CNN took aim at the Democrats in a November 27 story: “Democrats have denounced anonymous money in politics for…

Corinne Weaver | November 30, 2020

Twitter didn’t stop censorship for the Thanksgiving holiday. Algorithms were hard at work flagging and labeling tweets from President Donald Trump and his campaign. 

Twitter slapped labels on 63 Trump tweets since Nov. 23. When Trump…

Alexander Hall | November 25, 2020

YouTube is now attacking entire news channels such as One America News Network (OAN) for “misinformation.”

“YouTube has barred One America News Network from posting new videos for a week and stripped it of its ability to make money off…

Joseph Vazquez | November 25, 2020

The liberal outlet Politico is already attempting to shield former Vice President Joe Biden from criticism of a potential economic failure by — wait for it — blaming President Donald Trump.

The outlet’s story was pathetically headlined “…

Alexander Hall | November 24, 2020

Don’t touch that like button! Twitter has unveiled a new policy to display warnings when users like a labelled tweet. 

Twitter has outlined a wide range of updates to undermine conservative opposition amid the recent 2020…

Alec Schemmel | November 24, 2020

YouTube thinks there is only one acceptable narrative on gender and sexuality — the leftist view. Discussions that question the narrative are “hate speech.”

YouTube deleted two gender-focused episodes of PragerU’s The Candace Owens Show.…

Kayla Sargent | November 24, 2020

Facebook used its power to modify user news feeds to suppress what it called “election misinformation.” This new policy used a “secret internal ranking” after the Nov. 3 election to alter users’ feeds on the platform.  


Alexander Hall | November 24, 2020

Fox News host Tucker Carlson asked a huge question: Did Big Tech fix the election? He turned to liberal Google critic Dr. Robert Epstein who claimed at one point Google only sent out election reminders to liberals.

Carlson opened the…

Kayla Sargent | November 24, 2020

It appears that Facebook is willing to do whatever it can to get on former Vice President Joe Biden’s good side. 

Facebook is reportedly planning to promote the COVID-19 vaccine and the Paris climate agreement in order to “charm”…

Joseph Vazquez | November 24, 2020

New York Times blowhard economist Paul Krugman has a particular skill in completely contradicting himself when it comes to making economic forecasts.

In Krugman’s November 19 op-ed, headlined “Making the Most of the Coming Biden…

Alexander Hall | November 23, 2020

Big Tech has declared Open Season on conservatives. Conservative commentator Ashley StClair said Instagram removed a hunting photo and threatened her account with deletion, in its latest bout of censorship.

Hunting hogs from helicopters…

Kayla Sargent | November 23, 2020

Attorney Sidney Powell no longer operates in an official capacity for President Donald Trump’s legal team, which Twitter saw as the perfect opportunity to suspend her account for twelve hours. 

Powell was suspended from Twitter for…

Joseph Vazquez | November 23, 2020

Big Data Poll Director Richard Baris slammed both Big Tech and the liberal media after being silenced by Twitter for speaking out about voter fraud in the 2020 election.

Baris was blocked from his Twitter account earlier this…

Corinne Weaver | November 23, 2020

The censorship of President Donald Trump’s Twitter account and his campaign’s Twitter account continues to rage while the president challenges the vote count in court.

Twitter has labeled Trump’s tweets 52 times since Nov. 16. Team Trump’…

Alexander Hall | November 23, 2020

Big Tech has declared that Democratic nominee Joe Biden will receive the official verified presidential accounts from Twitter and Facebook/Instagram in late January, despite the fact that several states are still contested.

“Twitter Inc…

Alec Schemmel | November 20, 2020

American billionaire and co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, said Parler is a haven for the promotion of conspiracy theories.

New York Times columnist Andrew Sorkin hosted a Nov. 17 discussion at The New York Times’ virtual DealBook…

Corinne Weaver | November 20, 2020

Facebook does not want users to even discuss censorship on its platform.

Former Republican South Carolina Senator and Chairman of Conservative Partnership Institute Jim DeMint found out about the problem the hard way. He was fact-checked…