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Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | September 29, 2021

It’s Week Five of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week, we talked about how Big Tech firms often shut down any conversation that doesn’t fit their agenda. 

The focus this week was on founder James O’Keefe’s…

Alexander Hall | September 29, 2021

Big Tech has been hard at work censoring content that runs afoul of the left’s preferred narrative on COVID-19. Now, YouTube is stepping things up a notch and will reportedly begin removing videos questioning any approved medical vaccine.

Catherine Salgado | September 29, 2021

U.S. Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) will be convening a bipartisan hearing to investigate recent allegations that Facebook has hidden its own research showing its Instagram platform is toxic for teens.


Joseph Vazquez | September 29, 2021

Climate activist James Murdoch has used his foundation to funnel more than $14 million to a leftist group that crusaded against America’s so-called “environmental racism.”

Murdoch, the estranged son of News Corporation Executive Chairman…

Alexander Hall | September 28, 2021

It’s as if Big Tech has not already been censoring enough. Now the Biden administration is pushing platforms in an even more censorious direction. 

COVID-19, like many national crises, has been used to push for more government…

Catherine Salgado | September 28, 2021

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has directed an investigation to be opened into Facebook’s alleged election interference through a secret tiered user privileges program.

DeSantis sent a letter to Florida Secretary of State Laurel Lee…

Joseph Vazquez | September 28, 2021

The glowing predictions New York Times economist Paul Krugman made about ‘Bidenomics’ are falling flat, so he’s taken to attacking moderate Democrats and suggesting white working-class voters are racist.

Krugman screeched in a new op-ed…

Autumn Johnson | September 27, 2021

The Heritage Foundation has responded after Twitter allegedly censored a video depicting the work of Border Patrol agents.

The 2017 video discusses the important role horses play in a border patrol officer’s work. The Daily Signal re-…

Catherine Salgado | September 27, 2021

YouTube is seeing red. Susan Wojcicki, YouTube’s top executive, claimed the video platform values “freedom of speech,” following parent company Google's cave to the Russian government in censoring an entire app.

Both Apple…

Alexander Hall | September 27, 2021

A Twitter employee announced that the platform is “exploring new controls” for a filter that automatically prevents users from having to see “potentially harmful or offensive” replies. 

The next step for Big Tech censorship may be…

Joseph Vazquez | September 27, 2021

A subsidiary of a taxpayer-funded radio organization co-produced a podcast segment with the liberal New Yorker magazine that actually promoted “eco-terrorism.”

WNYC Studios co-produced an eco-extremist segment with The New Yorker that was…

Autumn Johnson | September 27, 2021

According to the folks over at Reclaim the Net, GoFundMe has deleted a fundraiser in support of harassed students at Arizona State University.

GoFundMe's excuse? They reportedly said the fundraiser violated its “prohibited…

Autumn Johnson | September 24, 2021

Multiple conservative groups have come out in support of antitrust bills in Congress.

The American Principles Project, the Internet Accountability Project, and American Majority are just some of the groups seeking support for six…

Catherine Salgado | September 24, 2021

According to Reclaim The Net, YouTube is reportedly angling for channels with hunting and fishing videos in its latest censorship hunt.

The site wrote that several YouTubers with channels focused on hunting and fishing have said that…

Alexander Hall | September 24, 2021

Famous conservative commentator John Stossel reportedly filed suit against Facebook for placing fact-check labels on his videos. 

Stossel declared via Twitter that “Facebook and ‘fact checking’ activists at a group called Climate…

Joseph Vazquez | September 24, 2021

The George Soros-funded Free Press is in hot water after it submitted a leftist petition to the Federal Communications Commission that included a comment that questioned if Republicans should be shot.

The Free Press petition urged the FCC…

Autumn Johnson | September 24, 2021

Apple has banned Fortnite, a popular video game among teens, from its app store.

Fortnite was banned after it launched its own in-app payment system, bypassing Apple’s system.

Apple charges a whopping 30% commission on in-app…

Autumn Johnson | September 23, 2021

NetChoice, a prominent tech trade group, is suing Texas over its anti-censorship law.

NetChoice alleges that the Texas law violates the First Amendment because it allows the government to compel platforms to host speech it doesn’t agree…

Alexander Hall | September 23, 2021

Facebook openly announced its plans it uses to demote content, but at least it’s attempting to be transparent about the process. Right, Facebook? 

The release said it was “to share more detail on how content is distributed on…

Catherine Salgado | September 23, 2021

Whether looking at hiring policies or the App Store, Amazon and Apple appear to be going to pot.

Amazon and Apple are increasingly more accepting of marijuana (cannabis) use, a drug considered a Schedule I drug under The Controlled…