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Autumn Johnson | October 13, 2021

According to a report from Forbes, Facebook announced on Wednesday that it will remove content that targets public figures who are “at risk” of self-harm, calling it a move following comments from “a large number of global stakeholders.

Joseph Vazquez | October 13, 2021

The leftist pundits in the media are twisting themselves silly trying to spin the terrible economic situation in an attempt to save President Joe Biden. A new Bloomberg Opinion op-ed actually tried to argue that high inflation is a good thing for…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | October 13, 2021

It’s Episode Seven of MRC’s new video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week we talked about the Free Speech America study which reported that Big Tech censors GOP congressmen by 54 to 1 more than Democrats.   

Big Tech…

Catherine Salgado | October 13, 2021

Exclusive: Google, the next Ministry of Truth, is rewriting history. Google’s “About” section is meant to explain at a glance the most relevant facts about a person. Unless it’s former President Donald Trump. His “About” section contains no…

Joseph Vazquez | October 13, 2021

CNN’s cable shows have salivated at least seven times over climate activist James Murdoch’s virtue-signaling against Fox News in the past year, all while ignoring any mention of an atrocious media scandal that nearly nuked his career.

Autumn Johnson | October 13, 2021

According to The Intercept, Facebook has a secret blacklist of “dangerous individuals and organizations.”

The article explained the list was created to bar “users from speaking freely about people and groups it says promote violence.”…

Alexander Hall | October 12, 2021

Conservative leaders warned about the dangers Big Tech censorship poses to online freedom during a Media Research Center roundtable Tuesday.

Conservative leaders from Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) to Congressman Greg Steube (R-FL) addressed…

Catherine Salgado | October 12, 2021

So much for free speech online. “Big Tech hates America and free speech. It’s death by 1 billion cuts. We’re not going to let them get away with it,” said Media Research Center President L. Brent Bozell in a tweet.

American Principles…

Alec Schemmel, Dan Gainor | October 12, 2021

Big Tech censorship didn’t just repeatedly restrict and finally ban President Donald Trump. Social media companies overwhelmingly censored Republican members of Congress by a rate of 54-to-1 compared to congressional Democrats, according to a new…

Autumn Johnson | October 12, 2021

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton suggested that she wants more censorship from Big Tech giants like Facebook.

In an interview with The View, Clinton blamed Facebook and Former President Donald Trump for the “constitutional…

Joseph Vazquez | October 12, 2021

New York Times senior economics correspondent Neil Irwin bent himself into a pretzel spinning the atrocious Bureau of Labor Statistics report showing the economy only added 194,000 jobs in September.

Following the release of the abysmal…

Catherine Salgado | October 11, 2021

In a new video, One America News’s Justine Murray blasted Facebook and “Tzar Zuckerberg” for censoring conservative free speech while allowing sexual exploiters to use and abuse Facebook and its users.

Murray filmed a video accusing Big…

Joseph Vazquez | October 11, 2021

The Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank promoted leftist materials by a Soros-funded group. Some of those materials targeted Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Christopher Rufo for exposing critical race theory.

The Philadelphia Fed’s…

NB Staff | October 10, 2021

Facebook is allegedly using a debunked fact-check from The Associated Press to censor posts for criticizing critical race theory.

“The reason the DOJ/FBI are starting to target 'angry parents at school board meetings' as domestic…

Autumn Johnson | October 9, 2021

Steven Hill, a former policy director at the Center for Humane Technology, suggested that Facebook issue use “permits.”

Hill detailed his thoughts in an op-ed for Project Syndicate. 

“Digital operating permits,” Hill said,…

Autumn Johnson | October 9, 2021

A new statement from President Biden on the spread of COVID is being criticized on Twitter for its inconsistency with other statements.

Earlier in the week, Biden defended enacting vaccine mandates on the grounds that people who go to the…

Autumn Johnson | October 9, 2021

While much of the recent media attention regarding Facebook whistleblowers has gone to former employee and liberal donor Frances Haugen, it's worth noting that she wasn't the first former employee who has warned about the company.

Joseph Vazquez | October 8, 2021

Here we go again! The ABC, CBS and NBC morning news shows protected President Joe Biden by censoring another horrible report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The BLS reported at 8:30 a.m. today that the U.S. economy added only…

Catherine Salgado | October 8, 2021

The atmosphere for content creators with Google just reached a new freezing point. YouTube and parent company Google reportedly plan to demonetize all content from so-called “climate deniers.” 

Climate experts Steven Milloy and Marc…

Catherine Salgado | October 7, 2021

Big Tech just can’t seem to get off the censorship train — especially when it comes to content that runs counter to the left’s accepted narrative. “You know, tyrants don’t like [satire]. It’s the thing that they hate more than anything else,”…