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Autumn Johnson | January 2, 2022

Media company Grabien was reportedly suspended on Twitter after it posted a quote from a congressman.

Grabien shared comments from Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) about COVID-19 treatments.

"Rep. Biggs: Big Pharma Won't Consider…

Autumn Johnson | January 2, 2022

Twitter has permanently suspended one of the verified personal account of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).

According to CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan, Twitter said @mtgreenee was "permanently suspended" "for repeated violations of our COVID-…

Autumn Johnson | January 1, 2022

Two writers at the Wall Street Journal argue that more states should ban private funding for elections.

Tarren Bragdon and Joe Horvath, CEO and state government affairs director at the Foundation for Government Accountability,…

Autumn Johnson | December 31, 2021

Vaccine scientist Dr. Robert Malone spoke with podcaster Joe Rogan about his ban from Twitter.

Malone is an innovator in the mRNA vaccine technology used in COVID-19 vaccines and was suspended for alleged “misleading and potentially…

Autumn Johnson | December 30, 2021

On Wednesday, Judicial Watch revealed on Instagram that Big Tech again decided to make its displeasure known with the group as video social media app TikTok allegedly permanently banned an account for its president, Tom Fitton.…

Catherine Salgado | December 30, 2021

Facebook has done everything since “whistleblower” Frances Haugen’s revelations except apologize. The company changed its name, denied massive problems, and reportedly even sold different narratives to politicians from different ends of the…

Catherine Salgado | December 30, 2021

mRNA vaccine inventor Robert Malone was suspended by Twitter for alleged “misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19.”

Dr. Malone is an innovator in the field of mRNA vaccine technology used in COVID vaccines…

Joseph Vazquez | December 30, 2021

An elitist economist is insulting his readers by doubling down on the much-criticized notion that spiking inflation is only “transitory.” 

Princeton University professor Alan Blinder penned an absurd Wall Street Journal op-ed…

Brian Bradley | December 29, 2021

Both Meta social media platforms — Facebook and Instagram — blocked a quote this week from Founding Father Thomas Paine advocating free speech.

Reclaim The Net reported that several Facebook and Instagram users tweeted about a common…

Catherine Salgado | December 29, 2021

Lawmakers from both parties want President Joe Biden to get involved in new tech legislation leading up to the 2022 election. This is a dangerous move for free speech, as Biden’s administration has explicitly supported increased censorship online…

Joseph Vazquez | December 29, 2021

Only approved journalism, thank you! That appears to be Twitter’s logic behind suspending Just the News founder John Solomon for 12 hours. Solomon bashed the censorship as “outrageous and unfair.”

Just the News released a report Dec…

Joseph Vazquez | December 29, 2021

The Washington Post tried to whip out the generic “Republicans have pounced” cliché in order to spin some of the attention on skyrocketing prices away from President Joe Biden.

The liberal newspaper released a revealing story headlined, “…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | December 29, 2021

It’s Episode Eighteen of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week we’re talking about another attack on conservative speech — NewsGuard’s rating system, which routinely gives right-wing sites lower credibility ratings than…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | December 28, 2021

YouTube may be exposing kids as young as 5 to graphic stabbings and gruesome violence, according to The Sun.

The Sun posed as a parent of a 5-year-old child to see what YouTube is emphasizing. ”We were able to access a cartoon video…

Joseph Vazquez | December 28, 2021

The New Yorker is uneasy about conservative radio host Dan Bongino’s rising prominence in conservative media, so it did an over 9,000-word smear of him. Talk about living rent-free in someone’s brain.

The profile, headlined “Dan Bongino…

Catherine Salgado | December 27, 2021

Now anti-baby-murder ads are “misinformation,” according to the radical left. Pro-abortion groups claimed that tech giants aren’t favoring their baby killing propaganda ads highly enough. The groups are also outraged that any pro-life ads are…

Joseph Vazquez | December 27, 2021

The eco-extremists at the liberal Guardian should realize by now that the internet is forever. The outlet freaked out over 17 years ago about a frosty future thanks to a ridiculously inaccurate Pentagon prediction.

The Guardian published…

Autumn Johnson | December 26, 2021

Researchers suggest that algorithms should “consider race more explicitly.”

Khari Johnson, an author at Wired wrote that “technology can be used to exclude, control, or oppress people and reinforce historic systems of inequality that…

Autumn Johnson | December 26, 2021

On Saturday, a Twitter account purported to be affiliated with the Iranian regime threatened to blow up Israel’s Dimona facility. Of course, it remains up on the social media platform.

The account is ostensibly run by the Islamic…

Autumn Johnson | December 25, 2021

The Internet Association is dead, and Big Tech is to blame.

Growing tensions between Amazon, Apple, Alphabet, Meta and Microsoft have caused the group to shut down.

According to the Financial Times, the demise comes after…