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Autumn Johnson | December 24, 2021

A culture writer at Buzzfeed argues that it’s time to “de-platform” white parents.

Culture writer Alessa Dominguez penned an article where she argued that white parents are the problem online. 

Dominguez pointed to the recent…

Autumn Johnson | December 23, 2021

A popular pregnancy app is censoring “vaccine misinformation,” according to The Washington Post.

Pregnancy apps have faced controversy in the past for allowing content that questions the efficacy and necessity of childhood vaccinations.…

Brian Bradley | December 23, 2021

Facebook censored and de-platformed a Catholic charity that was calling for greater efforts to stop the kidnapping and forced conversion and marriage of Christian women in Islamic countries, according to a new report.

London-based Aid to…

Catherine Salgado | December 23, 2021

A former police officer won his U.K. Court of Appeal challenge to “hate incidents” guidance from the College of Policing in a big victory for free speech.

Harry Miller had a complaint filed against him after tweeting allegedly “…

Autumn Johnson | December 22, 2021

Libertarian author and pundit John Stossel interviewed conservative talk show host Steven Crowder about his recent ban from YouTube. Stossel discussed the ban with Crowder and further attacks from Big Tech.

“.@SCrowder has been…

Catherine Salgado | December 22, 2021

The majority of Americans don’t trust many Big Tech companies with their data, especially on social media, according to a new survey.

A Washington Post poll found that Americans of diverse political persuasions largely agree that social…

Joseph Vazquez | December 22, 2021

The pseudo-medical geniuses at Facebook partner Lead Stories tried to fact-check the British Medical Journal. Then they somehow claimed those actions weren’t censorship. 

The British Medical Journal (BMJ) responded to a bizarre “fact…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | December 22, 2021

It’s Episode Seventeen of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week we’re talking about how Big Tech is acting as the Grinch by censoring pro-Christian- and pro-Christmas-related content.

Last December, the Pro-Life Action…

Joseph Vazquez | December 22, 2021

CNN has gone above and beyond the call of propaganda to spin economic coverage to benefit President Joe Biden’s White House and a new poll it released shows that effort has floundered.

CNN’s new poll of registered voters found that…

Catherine Salgado | December 22, 2021

Shipping giant Amazon has reportedly banned ratings and reviews for a book by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the demand of the Chinese government.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government apparently became sensitive to negative…

Autumn Johnson | December 21, 2021

While being interviewed by Fox News Digital on Monday, Apple’s virtual assistant Siri just happened to interrupt Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). And just what was he talking about when Siri interjected? Big Tech, of course.…

Catherine Salgado | December 21, 2021

When Facebook “whistleblower” Frances Haugen came on as a guest of leftist, pro-censorship New York Times podcast host Kara Swisher’s show, Haugen had one core question related to Facebook’s “misinformation” efforts: “Will they go far enough?”…

Joseph Vazquez | December 21, 2021

President Joe Biden’s disastrous economic agenda has set the U.S. economy on a collision course, so what does CNN do? The network pinned blame on older Americans.

CNN released a ridiculous story headlined, “The data that shows Boomers are…

Autumn Johnson | December 21, 2021

A former writer at The New York Times is suing Twitter for censorship. 

Alex Berenson, a journalist and skeptic of vaccines related to the COVID-19 pandemic, said Twitter violated his First Amendment rights. He is the author of “…

Gabriela Pariseau | December 20, 2021

Twitter locked American Principles Project Policy and Government Affairs Director Jon Schweppe out of his account for 12 hours after he called transgender ideology “evil.”

Schweppe’s now-deleted tweet called for more governors to ban…

Catherine Salgado | December 20, 2021

A group of congressmen have sent a letter to new pro-censorship Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal, urging the new CEO to address Twitter’s history of biased censorship and make the platform more pro-free speech.

Thirteen House Republican Big Tech…

Brian Bradley | December 20, 2021

Leftist media ratings company NewsGuard has struck another partnership to censor news outlets and publishers the platform deems objectionable.

This time, the suppression will affect outlets that use a specific ad platform.

Autumn Johnson | December 20, 2021

A conservative media personality says Facebook censored her positive holiday video.

Brigitte Gabriel, a New York Times bestselling author and Founder and President of ACT for America, posted a video on Facebook about the importance of…

Joseph Vazquez | December 20, 2021

Bloomberg News co-founder Matthew Winkler had arguably one of the most ridiculous takes on President Joe Biden’s performance on the economy yet.

Winkler wrote a Dec. 20 op-ed with an outrageous headline, “Biden's Economic Performance Has…

Autumn Johnson | December 18, 2021

UPDATE: Science Feedback changed its Fact Check to “Missing Context” from “Partly False.”

Facebook allegedly censored a video from a Chinese whistleblower detailing the origins of COVID.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a Chinese virologist, fled…