
Ferdy Guglielmi
Twitter censors image of DC buildings coupled with a Bible scripture: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "#BillyGraham #ProLife 'For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am…
Tim Tebow
It is fairly common for Twitter to censor or flag conservative content it deems offensive. Now, the platform has decided that a video discussing Christian love and truth constitutes sensitive…
Twitter censors Bible verses about murder and children in the womb: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "God says plenty about murder in scripture, God says plenty about children in the womb in…
Good Ness Gracious
Twitter censors Biblical verse: A Twitter user responded to a post by Joe Biden, saying, "You're following #satan ur father of #LIES! Yeshua (Jesus) sees ALL of YOU rebelling against Him! #Trump2020…
Facebook blocks page: Facebook is currently blocking anyone from sharing Daniel Chapter 12 in the ESV version from It is not blocking the Biblehub page in general, and no…
Sean Feucht
User tweeted: "Our president is doing great things for the Christian faith.He placed 2 Christian SCJ 4life which we needed.He protects religious freedom, he is pro life,He stands for our Constitution…