CensorTrack Database

7,874 Documented Cases
203 203
Cases Against Donald Trump (R)
87 87
Cases Against Joe Biden (D)
31 31
Cases Against Libs of TikTok
21 21
Cases Against The Babylon Bee
7 7
Cases Against Live Action
7 7
Cases Against The Heritage Foundation
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Displaying 7181 - 7200 of 7874
Maltese Manatee
User reported on Twitter that her Facebook account was suspended for 30 days for saying "Biden is the cure for coronavirus." It seems that this was not said in jest or sarcastically, and it is…
Clay Martin
User reported that Twitter restricted his account for 12 hours for posting "one little meme about sniffy boi Biden" that was described as "the feet tickling meme."
Mike Heyl
User reported on Twitter that Facebook removed his post of the Biden collage. Using his Twitter username and followers.
Tom Lavis
User reported on Twitter that his Facebook account was restricted for 12 hours for posting a joke about Biden (see attached). Using his Twitter username and followers.
The HighWire
Health News Talk Show deplatformed from YouTube: "The HighWire" – a show from the publishers at Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) – has been deplatformed by YouTube…
Simone Gold
Website host SquareSpace suspends doctor-run COVID skeptical web site: Twitter user Dr. Simone Gold reported that SquareSpace has shut down a web site that she helped run. Gold and some other…
Robert Lansing
User reported on Twitter that his Facebook account was suspended for 24 hours for posting the Biden collage. Using his Twitter username and followers
User reported on Twitter that his Facebook account got banned for posting a collage of 3 pics of Biden kissing his granddaughter with text over it that says "I just wish someone would kiss me the way…
Robert Gutierrez
User reported on Twitter that Facebook suspended his account for 30 days for posting the Biden collage. Using his Twitter username and followers.
Chris Warner
User reported on his Twitter account that after posting a screenshot showing his Facebook suspension over posting the Biden collage to his Imgur account, that screenshot, which included a thumbnail…
Biden Photos
User reported on Twitter that Facebook deleted a post that shows 3 photos of Biden kissing what is reportedly his granddaughter on the lips, with a caption that says "Find someone who kisses you…
Chris Omokhoa
User reported on Twitter that his Facebook account was suspended for 24 hours for posting the Biden collage. Using his Twitter username and followers.
User tweeted the Biden meme and was then suspended. 
Doug Liddle
User reported getting a 3 day suspension from Facebook for sharing the collage of pics of Biden touching young people. He reported this on his Twitter account, and the username and followers listed…
Kelvin Chalkley
User reported on his Twitter account that his Facebook account was suspended for posting the collage of pics of Biden touching young people. Username and followers above are from his Twitter account.
Ashley Rae Groypenberg
User states on Facebook that her Twitter account was "permanently suspended" within minutes of criticizing the QAnon purge on Twitter. 
Unmasking America
Anti-mask group removed from Facebook: Unmasking America, a group with over 9,600 members that says it's on Facebook “to spread the TRUTH about masks!”, was removed from the platform after…
User reported on his Twitter account that he was unable to share a Washington Examiner article titled "Biden wishes American schools 'taught more' about Islamic faith" on Facebook. When he attempted…
Amber Bellamy
User reported on her Twitter account that she posted the following meme on her Facebook account: A meme showing a photo of Hitler, with the following quote: "The best way to take control over a…
Alex Amicucci
User posted the collage of pics of Biden touching young people on his Facebook account and got a 24 hour suspension for it. He reported this on his Twitter account, and the username and followers…