CensorTrack Database
Documented Cases
Displaying 3421 - 3440 of 7984
Twitter censors user for tweet about experience with COVID-19: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. The user tweeted "I finally got covid a couple weeks ago... Happily…
Twitter restricts account for MRC Free Speech America's Catherine Salgado: On August 12, Twitter restricted MRC Free Speech America's Catherine Salgado. "We've temporarily limited some of your…
Twitter censors Brownstone Institute's article about how Long COVID-19 symptoms may be linked to masks: The Brownstone Institute, "[a] social, public health and economic research nonprofit,"…
TikTok permanently bans Allen West: Retired Army Lt. Col. Allen West who is the executive director of American Constitutional Rights Union, a member of MRC's Free Speech Alliance, shared a screenshot…
Twitter censors user for calling a dog a mongrel: A Twitter user shared screenshots of his censorship notice. He had tweeted: "Especially as Hits' profile picture looks to be a mongrel." The…
Twitter censors Joel Berry, managing editor at The Babylon Bee, over image showing child's arm after phalloplasty procedure: A Twitter user shared a purported screenshot of the censorship notice for…
Twitter censors user for tweet about COVID-19 vaccine injuries: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her censorship notice. She tweeted "Twitter still denying truth bombs. Anyone would think it…
Facebook blocks #diedsuddenly hashtag: Facebook reportedly blocked #diedsuddenly, according to Reclaim The Net on August 12. While no specific reason was cited, according to Reclaim The Net, the…
Twitter censors user's tweet about COVID-19 vaccine side effects: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her censorship notice. She had tweeted "Rigged Election 2020. We knew it all along. #…
Twitter censors user for a tweet calling COVID-19 pandemic a hoax: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice from an alt account. The user was quote tweeting a tweet from Daily Mail…
Twitter censors user for speaking out against COVID-19 vaccine mandates: A Twitter user shared a copy of her censorship notice. She tweeted: "Kids have been killed by a vaccine that they only…
Twitter censors user for saying transgenderism is a mental disorder: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He had tweeted: "F the woke, trans blue haired numbers. All…
Facebook fact-checks user for sharing Hannah Cox's post: Facebook fact-checked a user for sharing Based Politics' Hannah Cox post for "missing context." The post said, "There are 724 billionaires in…
Twitter censors video of a nurse's testimony about COVID-19 injuries she has witnessed: A Twitter user shared a two minute video of a woman giving testimony about her experience as a nurse of COVID-…
Twitter censors user for tweet about COVID-19 vaccines: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship. He had tweeted "'We need to recognise the science showing covid VACCINES negatively…
Twitter censors user for statement about COVID-19 vaccines: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. The user had responded to another user, saying "That vaccine really…
Facebook & Instagram Strike Heritage for Accurate Post About IRS Job Requiring ‘Deadly Force’
Joseph Vazquez August 15th, 2022
A post that dared to accurately point out that an Internal…
Facebook & Instagram Strike Heritage for Accurate Post About IRS Job Requiring ‘Deadly Force’
Joseph Vazquez August 15th, 2022
A post that dared to accurately point out that an Internal…
Facebook censors user's post of a video about COVID-19 vaccines: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her Facebook censorship notice. The user had shared a video from the Health Ranger Report Rumble…
Twitter censors user for tweeting TownHall story about study into COVID-19 vaccine boosters: A Twitter user shared a TownHall.com story titled "New Medical Study Shows COVID Booster Shots May Be…