CensorTrack Database
Documented Cases
Displaying 2961 - 2980 of 4422
Twitter removes account that was sharing posts from former President Trump's new website, From The Desk Of Donald J Trump: A Twitter account, @DJTDesk, that was sharing posts from former President…
Conservative Pastor suspended from Twitter and forced to delete tweet criticizing Bill Gates for allegedly saying he would 'lower the population by using vaccines': Pastor Greg Locke faced a 7…
News outlet suspended by Twitter for targeted harassment after it posted link to article about Antifa's violent tactics: Media Right News was locked out of their Twitter account, suspending its…
LifeSiteNews 'Unpublished' from Facebook: Facebook has permanently banned LifeSiteNews's Page for violating the platform's "Community Standards on misinformation that could cause physical harm," the…
Famous Bollywood actress who is supporter of India's nationalist party has been banned from Twitter for purportedly calling for violence against the party's opposition candidate: Kangana…
User claims Facebook suspended them a month for a meme making fun of Gen Z: A Twitter user stated that his Facebook account was banned for a month. The reason was that he posted a meme showing…
Facebook user censored for a photo of a sign at a business asking patrons to remove their masks: A Twitter user pointed out that he was censored for 24 hours on Facebook. The post that got him in…
Donald Trump parody account suspended from Twitter: ilDonaldo Trumpo, a parody account on Twitter, has been suspended. "Me look like el Presidento, but me no him, señor twittero Jack and his no-hug…
Twitter places sensitive content filter over Christian message graphic: Matt Barber, a conservative author, cultural analyst and syndicated columnist tweeted a photo with the words "Faith is not…
Twitter places sensitive content filter over Christian message: Matt Barber, a conservative author, cultural analyst and syndicated columnist tweeted a photo of the back of a semi-truck that has a…
Facebook suspends user's account for a post contrasting liberal media portrayal of Joe Rogan vs. Bill Gates talking about COVID: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice…
Instagram fact checks a post about gun control: A Twitter user provided a screenshot of a fact-checked post from Instagram, where "the poster talked in a long form paragraph about the dangers of…
Twitter censors user's tweet of the censorship of an Instagram post: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of an Instagram post that got fact-checked. The Instagram post was described by the Twitter…
Twitter censors user for calling out Bill Gates lie on COVID vaccine patents: A Twitter user got in trouble for the following tweet: "Krystal Ball: Bill Gates Is LYING TO YOU On Vaccine Patent…
Pro-Israel activist on Twitter suspended for saying he was going to give someone a 'knuckle sandwich': Scott The Bot is a pro-Israel activist on Twitter who has been suspended after attempting to…
Twitter user from San Francisco who documents homelessness suspended for having a picture of the homeless as his profile image, Forced to delete picture: Citizenj17, a Twitter user whose bio…
YouTube deletes channel of young German activist dubbed the "anti-Greta" for her work challenging the excesses of climate change activism: Naomi Seibt has been dubbed the "anti-Greta" for her…
INSANE! Instagram Fact-Check Targets Sen. Scott’s Quote on Racism
Autumn Johnson
April 30th, 2021 8:24 PM
A third-party fact-checker on Instagram labeled a quote from Sen. Tim Scott (R-…
Twitter censors user for reporting Facebook censorship: A Twitter user shared screenshots of his Facebook suspension. He posted a joke meme on Facebook that showed a photo of the bead toy popular in…
Facebook suspends user 30 days for a joke meme about COVID: A Twitter user shared screenshots of his Facebook suspension. He posted a joke meme on Facebook that showed a photo of the bead toy…