
Brendan Horn
User's account was temporarily suspended after posting the Biden meme.
User reported on Twitter that her Facebook account was suspended for 24 hours after posting the Biden collage. Using her Twitter username and followers.
User's account was temporarily suspended for posting the Joe Biden meme and has since been restored.
Dylan Wheeler
User created this new account in order to circumvent the ban on his primary account. Twitter shut the new account down with 1-2 days of it being created. 
J Murray
User reported that he posted the Biden meme and his account was immediately suspended for 12 hours.
Brad Pole
User reported on Twitter that he was suspended from Facebook for 30 days for posting the Biden collage. Using his Twitter username and followers.
Dylan Wheeler
This user has been heavily censored in the past, culminating with a "permanent suspension"/ban on April 26. User has a huge following of over 517K followers. He is a QAnon account who tweets about a…
Steve Fernald
User's account was suspended nearly 2 months after posting the Biden meme. Suspension happened immediately after he posted the meme.
User tweeted the Biden Meme and was suspended and told to delete the tweet. After deleting the tweet, account was not unlocked, and was told to delete the tweet again, which had already been deleted…
Garland Henderson
User reported on Twitter that his Facebook had been suspended for days because he posted the Biden collage. Using his Twitter username and followers.
Jack West
User reported on Twitter that his Facebook account was suspended for 3 days for posting the Biden collage. Using his Twitter username and followers.
Alex Stanbridge
User tweeted the Biden meme on April 26 and was suspended for 12 hours, but as of June 23, still has been unable to get into his account.  "how long does it take to a twitter account to get…
Mario Luigi
User tweeted the Biden meme on April 26. Did not get back into his account until June 6 after being told the suspension was for 12 hours.
User posted the Biden meme and got locked out for 12 hours. He additionally claimed that Twitter "wouldn't let me post a link about the sexual assault claim against Biden." No details on that.
User's account was temporarily suspended for posting the Joe Biden meme.
Aytu Bioscience Account was suspended on Saturday…
User got suspended for posting the Biden meme.
User reported on Twitter that her Facebook account was suspended for posting the Biden collage. Using her Twitter username and followers.
User re-tweeted the Biden meme, thinking it was from the Biden campaign, saying "Democrats have no self-awareness," and was subsequently locked out of his account. He only just now realized that he…
Danny Hellman
User tweeted Biden meme and his account got suspended. He had to create a backup account, where he reported the infraction from.