
Alex Berenson
Twitter locks journalist Alex Berenson's account for 12 hours: Twitter deleted a tweet and locked journalist and author Alex Berenson's Twitter account for 12 hours, according to a substack post…
Music video for song titled "Facts Are Racist" from pro-Trump rapper gets age-restricted by YouTube: A music video from pro-Trump hip-hop artist Topher, titled "Facts Are Racist," was age…
Eyck Freymann
LinkedIn hides account of Oxford Doctoral student studying Chinese politics who covers Chinese news and related issues: The Wall Street Journal reported that LinkedIn censored certain users'…
Dr. Anne-Marie Brady
Twitter temporarily restricts account of leading China critic following tweets critical of the CCP on its 100th-year anniversary: Dr. Anne-Marie Brady is a New Zealand academic with an expertise…
Kevin Gallagher
Facebook restricts user's account: Facebook restricted a user's account for "bullying." The user commented, "you should get some ointment for your chapped, hurt butt." The platform flagged this…
Dr. Robert Malone
LinkedIn reportedly restricts account of doctor who credits himself as the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology due to his posts about COVID-19 vaccines and other treatments: Dr. Robert…
Facebook places restrictions on a user's account and threatens to disable it for false claims of not meeting Facebook's age requirements: Facebook restricted MRC Newsbusters intern Charlotte Hazard's…
Twitter censors user for using a common phrase meaning to give it a try: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. A faulty Twitter algorithm flagged the tweet as "promoting or…
Double Toasted
YouTube restricts channel's live streaming capabilities for a week over videos that, when uploaded, were allowed on the platform, but are now considered a violation of the platform's community…
National File
Twitter locks National File account after tweeting story about teen death after COVID-19 vaccine: National File reported that 13-year-old Jacob Clynick died after receiving the second dose of the…
Twitter censors user for responding to Keith Olbermann tweet: A Twitter user was incensed by a Keith Olbermann tweet which read: "THE VIDEO TO SEND to the idiot who says they're not going to be…
Twitter censors user for calling someone a bully: A Twitter user was censored by the platform for calling someone a bully. She was in a discussion with some other users, when she said: "Dan is a…
Matt Orfalea
YouTube removes private clips of a video but not the full publicly published video: Matt Orfalea, a self-described "[i]ndependent video creator, documentary producer, journalist" wrote a Medium…
Joe Jones
Twitter censors user for tweet about COVID: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. The offending tweet read: "There are already many lawsuits pending, colleges have been…
Freedom In America
Facebook deletes content and restricts small conservative page after it posted a Nazi comparison quote graphic: Freedom in America posted a quote graphic with the words a quote by Nazi Propaganda…
Joni Bourelle
Facebook restricted a user's account for 30 days after she posted a graphic sarcastically poking fun at the risks of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine: A user reposted a graphic with a humorous survey…
Taylor Day
Twitter censors conservative journalist Taylor Day for tweet about hydroxychloroquine: Taylor Day, a conservative journalist who has been published at RealClear Politics, American Thinker, Deseret…
Kevin Cullen
Twitter censors user for what is clearly a joke: A Twitter user whose account is clearly labeled "(Parody)" ran afoul of the Twitter algorithm for a joke. He tweeted at a couple of other users, "I…
Stanley Roberts
YouTube first deletes, then age-restricts video of Amazon worker beating up an old woman over a package: Stanley Roberts runs a blog and YouTube channel covering everyday misbehavior. Roberts…
Kathy Koshak-Swann
Facebook censor's user for posting the Fauci's email to Sylvia Burwell: The user posted a picture of one of Dr. Fauci's publicly released emails in which he instructed Sylvia Burwell not to wear a…