Deleted Content
User reported on Twitter that Facebook removed a post that he had aimed at a certain user with the comment: "you're just a lying dog-faced pony soldier." User says this is a Joe Biden quote. User did…
User reported on Twitter that Facebook removed his post of the Biden collage, and stated that he "had to screenshot to get it posted." Using his Twitter username and followers
Facebook deletes content from user after he listed good things Trump was doing to mitigate Covid-19: A Facebook user posted a list of things he liked that Trump did to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic…
Another user (@KahlerSabrina) reported on Twitter that user Joe Sosh posted the Biden collage on Facebook, and it was removed by Facebook for violating standards on nudity or sexual activity. No…
User tweeted about closing his Facebook account after Facebook deleted, with no warning, a post he made quoting Joe Biden saying "I tell you if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me…
John Ioannidis, a Stanford University epidemiology professor and researcher, conducted an interview with Dr. Knut Wittkowski that was eventually removed from YouTube. YouTube stated that the…
A video featuring Dr. Knut Wittkowski, the former head of biostatistics, epidemiology and research design at Rockefeller University and a well-known advocate for the concept of herd immunity, …
User reported on Twitter that Facebook removed his post of a collage of pics of Biden touching or kissing young girls, saying it violated their community standards on nudity or sexual activity.…
User reported on Twitter that Facebook removed her post of the Biden collage. She did not say if her account was also suspended. Using her Twitter username and followers.
Another user (@FrSymeonElias) reported on Twitter that this user, Butch Robinson, had his post of the Biden collage on Facebook censored. Facebook removed the post, but it was not clear if the user…
Another user (@MariaCh84318140) reported on Twitter that this user, Lisa Schwartz, received an account warning and had her post of the Biden collage removed from Facebook. As Lisa did not report this…
President Donald Trump retweeted a video on Saturday that was quickly deleted.
The video was a short clip from a speech that conservative Michelle Malkin gave decrying social media censorship…
User reported on Twitter that Facebook's "auto-sensor" rejected the Biden collage when he tried to post it. Using his Twitter username and followers.
User reported on Twitter that Facebook removed the Biden collage when he tried to post it. He did not say if he was also suspended. Using Twitter username and followers.
User reported on Twitter that his Facebook post of the Biden collage was determined to violate the community standards. He did not say that he was also suspended. I am using his Twitter username and…
User reported on Twitter that he attempted to post the Biden collage on his Facebook page and Facebook found it to violate the community standards. He did not say if he was also suspended. Using his…
User reported on Twitter that Facebook flagged his post of the Biden collage as a violation of the community standards and removed it. He did not say if he was also suspended. Using Twitter username…
Another user (@BaderDom) reported on Twitter that this user, David Kennedy, tried to post the Biden collage on Facebook, and it was found to be against community standards. It was not apparent…
User reported on Twitter that Facebook rejected her post of the Biden collage. She did not report that she was also suspended. User her Twitter username and followers.