Steve Deace

Facebook fact-checks Steve Deace Rumble clip talking about the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines: Dr. Ryan Cole, a Mayo Clinic trained pathologist and expert pathologist of Cole Diagnostics, did an interview for the Steve Deace Show. Dr. Cole explained that he believes the virus is relatively non-lethal for most people and that the novel vaccines are potentially very dangerous. He referenced vaccine death and hospitalization numbers from the Vaccine Adverse Events Report System (VAERS), which aggregates and tallies vaccine injury reports. Facebook fact checker Lead Stories attempted to discredit the information Cole relayed by pointing out that the VAERS numbers are not always accurate. Lead Stories called the "list of reports" a "wide-open, likely repetitive, messy and incomplete list of anyone's anecdotal, amateur and professional reports." The fact-checker fails to recognize that Cole acknowledged the unreliability of VAERS. In fact, Cole pointed to a Harvard study that found that "fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported." Fact-checked posts lose exposure on Facebook feeds as they are negatively affected by the platform's algorithm. According to Facebook, users fail to click through a fact-check interstitial to see the post 95% of the time.

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