Satirical Vaccination Meme

Facebook fact checks satirical meme posted because it inaccurately describes reasons for receiving a COVID-19 vaccine: Facebook fact-checker, Lead Stories flagged a satirical meme that read: "Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from the virus they got vaccinated against because you're not vaccinated." Lead Stories, identified the post as false because the meme's "circular logic in the sentence does not fully or accurately reflect the reasoning behind the COVID-19 vaccination campaign." The fact check does not dispute that the vaccinated, although at a lower risk of sickness and death, could still be infected by the unvaccinated. It merely claims that the potential weakness of the vaccines is not the reason why a person might want to be vaccinated. "[T]his meme leaves out the primary purposes of vaccination: 1. Preventing you from becoming infected; 2. Preventing you from infecting others," argued the fact-checker. Fact-checked posts lose exposure on Facebook feeds and ads as they are negatively affected by the platform's algorithm. According to Facebook, users fail to click through a fact-check interstitial to see the post 95% of the time.

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