MRC's Gabriela Pariseau

Instagram fact checks MRC's Gabriela Pariseau for correctly fact-checking a misleading quote: MRC's Gabriela Pariseau removed a video she posted to her Instagram story that showed a selectively edited clip of Liberal Party of Canada leader and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The video showed Trudeau saying "Regardless of the fact that we are attacking your fundamental rights or limiting your fundamental rights, and the charter says that's wrong, we're still going to go ahead and do it. It's basically a loophole that allows a majority to override fundamental rights of a minority." The clip did not reveal, however, that Trudeau followed up saying, "And that's why I agree with my father that it's not a great thing to have in a Charter of Rights and Freedoms." After removing the original story post, Pariseau pointed out to her followers that the video was selectively edited and posted the full quote to her Instagram story. Unsaved story posts remain on a user's profile for 24 hours before disappearing for the user's followers. According to screenshots, nearly a month later Instagram fact-checker Check Your Facts flagged her correction claiming that Pariseau's fact check of her own post was missing the context she specifically added to correct the misleading video.

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