Mark Strahl

Facebook rejects ad from Canadian MP wishing constituents Merry Christmas before relenting: Conservative Canadian MP Mark Strahl explained on his Facebook page that he had attempted to run an ad, or promoted post, for his constituents and Facebook rejected it. The ad included a photo of him in front of a Christmas tree, with text that he said read: "From my family to yours, have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays." According to the screenshot that Strahl shared, Facebook claimed that the ad did not "comply with [its] Discriminatory Practices policy." The explanation for this policy stated that "Ads must not discriminate or encourage discrimination against people based on personal attributes such as race, ethnicity, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, family status, disability, medical or genetic condition." It further stated that "Any United States advertiser or advertiser targeting the United States that is running credit, housing or employment ads, must self identify as a Special Ads Category, as it becomes available, and run such ads with approved targeting options." Strahl's ad does not appear to be covered under any of these policies. He even made sure to include "Happy Holidays" alongside "Merry Christmas" to include everyone. Indeed, Strahl noted that upon appeal, Facebook reversed its decision and is allowing the ad. However, its initial determination is somewhat disheartening, as Strahl was solely attempting to spread some Christmas cheer to his Canadian constituents, and was prevented from doing so, and forced to jump through Facebook's hoops just to be allowed to. Christmas should not be a divisive issue.

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