Lone Conservative
Case #

Facebook fact-checker labels meme "Half True" despite admitting "the Obama administration did hold immigrants in chain-link enclosures": PolitiFact, one of Facebook's ostensibly neutral fact-checkers, labeled a meme posted by Lone Conservative, a right-wing digital news outlet, as "Half True" despite actually agreeing with its premise. The meme depicted Barack Obama photoshopped into an image of migrant detention facilities and asks, "Who built the cages, Joe?" In PolitiFact's own explanation it states "The Obama administration did hold immigrants in chain-link enclosures described as 'cages' at border processing facilities. It did not have a policy to separate children from their families, as the Trump administration did." The bit about separating children seemingly comes out of nowhere, and sheds light on how these "fact-checkers" use their power to defend the left's political interests, as the meme does not insinuate anything about a policy to separate children from their families. Fact-checks throttle a posts exposure and place pre-established doubt in the minds of users preventing them from making their own informed decisions. Lone Conservative is a member of the Free Speech Alliance.

Fact Check
Fact Check
Fact Check
Fact Check
Fact Check
Fact Check
Fact Check
Fact Check
Fact Check