Literal Mask Expert Opens a Can on School Board - video

Facebook insultingly censors court-certified mask expert, industrial hygienist, who spoke at school board meeting, with recycled fact-check that did not address her testimony at all: Facebook once again has decided that it and its "certified" fact-checkers know better than actual subject matter experts. In this case, Kristen Meghan Kelly, an industrial hygienist who is a court-certified expert in masks with 19 years experience, gave a five minute speech at her local school board meeting about the efficacy of masks, and what real mitigation efforts look like. Facebook wasted no time in slapping a fact-check interstitial over the video that was hosted on Rumble to avoid any potential censorship by YouTube. However, the fact-check article that the "false information" label linked to is not new. It is from April of 2021. It also did not directly address any of her points. Instead it recycled old information about masks, using debunked studies. Health Feedback, the source of this so-called fact-check, was previously investigated by the International Fact Checking Network (IFCN) through which it was certified for violations of the IFCN Code of Principles. It is insulting to a professional in the field to be subject to such treatment. Big Tech and its self-annointed so-called fact-checkers should never be the arbiter of whose voice is heard, especially when the voices being silenced are proven experts and professionals with far more knowledge and expertise than the fact-checkers possess. According to Facebook, users fail to click through fact-check interstitials 95% of the time.

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