James Holden

Twitter censors user's statement about the efficacy of Vitamin D and Ivermectin to ward off COVID-19: A Twitter user was censored for the following tweet: "Latest science says that Ivermectin with Vitamin D is a better prophylactic that [sic] any vaccine." Twitter applied a "Misleading" label to the tweet, directing users to "Learn about emerging treatments for COVID-19 from health experts." The label had a link that sent users who clicked on it to a page titled "The World Health Organization's advice on treatments for COVID-19," which consisted of an unattributed summary of "What you need to know," followed by relevant tweets from what Twitter considers to be "experts" on this subject." In addition, the tweet had a sharing restriction added, so it could not be liked, replied to, or re-tweeted, but could be quote-tweeted.

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