George Christensen

Facebook removes Australian politician's anti-lockdown speech to parliament: Facebook took down video of Australian Member of Parliament George Christensen giving a speech to his fellow members criticizing his country's lockdown efforts. “When will the madness end? How many more freedoms will we lose due to fear of a virus, which has a survivability rate of 997 out of 1,000,’’ the MP said. Facebook reportedly said the video violated its COVID-19 medical misinformation policy. Breitbart News reported that a Facebook spokesperson told them the following about the removal of Christensen's video: "We don’t allow anyone, including elected officials or public figures, to share misinformation about COVID-19 that could lead to imminent physical harm, or misinformation that could lead to COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. Specific to discouraging COVID-19 preventative health practices, we do not allow false claims that wearing a face mask does not help prevent the spread of COVID-19. We have removed this video for breaching our policies." Christensen ultimately reuploaded an edited version of his speech to Facebook that would not be taken down. At the time this database entry was published the "censored version" of the video remained available on Facebook. 

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