Case #

X censors satirical music video about transgenderism: A satirical musician who goes by the X handle "foundring" posted that his latest music video, THE TRANSURRECTION, was mysteriously losing views over time. Foundring posted screenshots seemingly spaced approximately 20 seconds apart. The first screenshot shows the video had 77 views and six likes while the second screenshot shows the video now had only 59 views with eight likes. According to the X AI chatbot Grok, views quantify "the total number of times a post has been seen by users," and "might be less stringent compared to other platforms'" definition of views because X only required that the post show up "on a user's screen for a certain amount of time." When asked why the number of views on a post might go down, Grok provided several potential explanations such as "the X algorithm adjusting its visibility" or "technical issues or changes in X's policies and features [that] might have affected the visibility of [the] post." These explanations seem geared more toward a reduction in reach rather than views given Grok's own definition for a view, but a reduction in reach is also a form of censorship.

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