Google Play "banned" alternative social network Flote for refusing to censor content: Crypto-enhanced alternative social network Flote said in a Feb. 7 statement that it had been "banned" from Google Play. "Google has been threatening for months to remove our app from their store because we refuse to conform to their idea of 'community standards.'" The statement noted that the app was "no longer available in the Play Store and any previously installed version of the app on your phone will no longer be available." According to Reclaim The Net, "Google wanted 'multiple emails of content and accounts' removed." In addition, "[O]ne of the accounts Google wanted Flote to remove was a porn account and another was a current events account, neither of which were breaking any of Flote’s rules," Reclaim The Net said. Flote slammed Google Play's censorship in its statement:
"At Flote we believe we have our own community standards… that you as individuals are not only capable but also responsible for what you say and for what you read. We trust you to make your own decisions to, for example, consume adult material or express your political views, without the constant threat of running afoul of some arbitrary and ever-changing set of rules made up by people you don’t even know."