
Twitter censors account Elon Musk offered $5000 to close: A college student created a Twitter account that automatically tweets out the flight plans for Elon Musk's private jet. According to reporting at Mashable, when Musk found out, he offered $5000 to the student, Jack Sweeney, to close the account, which had been operating since June of 2020. Sweeney countered Musk's offer, and no resolution has been reached. However, it has since been noted that Twitter has placed a search suggestion ban on the @ElonJet account. This means that when a user who has previously had no interaction with the account attempts to search for it in the Twitter search interface, the auto-complete does not provide the correct account as an option. When CensorTrack attempted this, once @ElonJet had been entered in the search bar in full, the correct account was still not on the list of options that Twitter was suggesting. A third party site that checks for shadow banning of Twitter accounts also confirmed that the account was search suggestion banned. It is not clear when this suppression began, but it has not stopped the account growing from a reported 84,000 followers to nearly 350,000 since the story was initially reported on.

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