David Marcus

Google suppresses search results for Fox News columnist David Marcus's articles: Fox News columnist David Marcus reported that a Google search he performed for his own articles delivered results that were lacking. According to the screenshot of his search, Marcus used Google to search for the terms "David Marcus" fox, which typically will return articles that he has written for Fox News. However, when he conducted this search after publishing an article on Fox News saying, "men can't become women," the results were not typical at all. The first result shown was indeed an article published by Marcus on Fox News, which was his most recently published article about transgenderism. However, before that result was presented, Google added several warnings. The warnings read: "It looks like the results below are changing quickly. If this topic is new, it can sometimes take time for reliable sources to publish information. Check the source. Are they trusted on this topic? Come back later. Other sources might have more information on this topic in a few hours or days." This warning calls into question the reliability of Fox News generally, and specifically casts doubt on the accuracy of the result that was the exact match for what the user, Marcus in this case, was searching for. This suppression of search results constitutes censorship by attempting to change the user's perceptions about the accurate search results presented.

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