Climate Change Dispatch

Conservative climate blog temporarily suspended from Twitter after posting Townhall article about Fauci emails: Climate Change Dispatch is a blog writing about climate related issues. It is often criticized by climate alarmists on the left for supposedly engaging in climate denialism. However, the blog's Managing Editor Tom Richard told Free Speech America that the site simply approaches climate issues realistically. Richard reported to Free Speech America that Climate Dispatch's Twitter account was locked by the platform for 7-days after it tweeted out an article from conservative outlet Townhall. The article from Townhall reported on Anthony Fauci's recently leaked emails and what they reveal about his opinions on the effectiveness of masks for stopping the spread of COVID-19. The tweet simply included a link to the article and the text of the headline, but Twitter still flagged the tweet, claiming it violated the platform's policies on spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19. Climate Dispatch appealed Twitter's decision, but it was promptly denied by the platform. Before Climate Dispatch's 7-day suspension could begin, the account was forced to delete the tweet.         

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