Buck Sexton

Facebook fact-checks post listing freedoms restricted in the past year using questionable article: Conservative commentator Buck Sexton posted a copy of a tweet from journalist Kyle Becker, and Facebook slapped a fact-check on it. The tweet from Becker read: "America, if the ruling class doesn't want you to breathe freely, eat a hamburger, drive a car, celebrate the Fourth of July, excel in schools, stand for national anthem, mourn at a funeral, pray in church, visit dying loved ones or pursue American Dream, we *may* have a problem." Facebook claimed that this tweet was "missing context" and "could mislead people." The article that was used in this determination is headlined: "Biden's climate plan doesn't say anything about limiting meat consumption, contrary to Daily Mail, Fox News claim." The fact-check does not, however, address whether any of the "ruling class" have indicated that people should start limiting their beef consumption, such as the recent decision by recipe site Epicurious to eliminate any further beef recipes for the health of the environment. It additionally does not address any of the rest of Becker's list of restricted freedoms. According to Facebook, posts with a fact-check filter on them have a 95% reduction in user engagement.

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