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Big Tech worked tirelessly to silence pro-life voices, but the censorship can’t stop the Supreme Court from overturning bad precedent.

A grievous Supreme Court document leak indicated that the court may overturn Roe v. Wade. Big Tech and the leftist media have supported the leftist narrative on abortion by silencing pro-life content.  

Here are the top five cases of censorship of pro-Life content found in CensorTrack’s database:

  1. Twitter locked’s account in April 2022 when the account tweeted an image of an aborted baby. Twitter claimed that sharing the image of the aborted baby violated its rules against sharing “gratuitous gore,” and was given the option to delete the tweet in order to unlock its account. However, gratuitous is defined as “not necessary” or “unwarranted,” and showing the end result of a policy pushed by the left is neither.


  1. Facebook took its turn trying to silence pro-life voices in April. Live Action founder and president Lila Rose tweeted about a recent Colorado law that explicitly allowed abortion up to the moment of birth. Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley and Former HUD Secretary Ben Carson and his wife Candy posted a screenshot of the Rose tweet with their own added commentary. Facebook used two flimsy fact-checks from its biased fact-checker network in an attempt to discredit the posts and reduce their reach and engagement. 


  1. Rose said Google targeted her organization, Live Action, in September 2021. In a post, Rose said the Big Tech giant  banned “all” of the pro-life foundation’s ads. She included with her post a purported screenshot from Google that cited “medical misinformation,” “restricted medical content” and “unreliable claims” as its reasoning for the ban. 


  1. After Texas passed its “Heartbeat Bill,” a site was set up to report doctors found violating the new law by performing abortions after six weeks. GoDaddy hosted the site and quickly terminated it after giving the site owners 24 hours’ notice. GoDaddy cited multiple violations of its terms of service.


  1. Twitter often limits the reach and engagement of pro-life content by placing sensitive content filters over pro-life tweets. In some cases, such as Pro-Life Action League, the platform has placed an account-level sensitive content flag meaning that Twitter hides any image that the account tweets behind a filter, regardless of how innocent the tweet is.

Big Tech despises pro-life activism and works hard to silence those working toward a return to constitutional order. The good news is that the leaked Supreme Court opinion indicates that Big Tech and the left are losing this fight despite their concerted efforts to silence those fighting for the pre-born.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact your representatives and demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providig and equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.