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Tech CEOs were right, they do hire liberal staffers.

Proof of that can be found in the donation receipts left behind by staff at Google, Facebook and Twitter. According to Federal Election Commission filings, analyzed by Fox News, employees at these companies donated $2.4 million to House and Senate candidates leading up to the midterm. Only 7.3 percent, or $175,000, went to Republican candidates. Staff gave to Democrats 12 times more than they gave to Republicans.

Twitter, Facebook, and Google have heavily pressured users to register to vote as well as vote. They partnered with groups and organizations, such as TurboVote,  that claim to be nonpartisan but exhibit partisan bias. Even though these companies claim that these initiatives are nonpartisan and intended for neutral purposes, its hard to believe that so many dedicated Democrats among the staff are capable of keeping election propaganda nonpartisan.   

At Twitter, no donations were made to Republicans in this election cycle, while $100,000 was donated to Democrats. At Facebook, $549,000 was spent in Democrat donations, while only $58,000 went t to Republicans. At Google, $1.5 million was given to Democratic candidates and just $117,000 was given to Republicans.

In the most recent midterm election in 2014, Google, Facebook, and Twitter employees gave $938,000 to candidates. $679,000 went to Democrats and $259,000 went to Republicans. The ratio was much smaller four years ago.


The PACS at these companies, while typically favoring Republicans over Democrats, donated more to blue candidates in the 2018 cycle. Facebook and Google PACS gave $607,000 to Democrats and $538,000 to Republicans.

Employees at these companies are openly liberal, even their bosses admit it. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in congressional testimony that Facebook is “an extremely left-leaning place.” Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey admitted that Twitter is more left-leaning as well.

Those who express conservative views are either encouraged not to do so, face negative feedback from other employees, or remain silent out of fear. Google engineer James Damore was fired for publishing a memo that espoused traditional gender roles, while Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey admitted that the conservatives employed at his company were afraid to speak. During the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, a Facebook executive faced an uprising from his coworkers for supporting Kavanaugh.
