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In an apparent pre-election bid to push leftist narratives, the George Soros-funded Poynter Institute is looking to censor information shared among black Americans.

Full of condescension and patronizing elitism, International Fact-Checking Network’s (IFCN) Poynter announced in a Tuesday press release that its PolitiFact and news organization Capital B “will collaborate this election season on fact-checks and analyses of issues that are important to Black Americans.” But Soros has poured money into groups suppressing election-related free speech, as MRC Free Speech America research showed, and Poynter is one such group.

Poynter explained that PolitiFact will share fact-checking content with Capital B to spread the content across its platforms. Capital B will “serve as a thought partner on election issues,” Poynter claimed, noting the two organizations might also co-produce content.

Poynter bragged that this “collaboration combines the PolitiFact newsroom’s prowess for fact-checking politicians and countering online mis- and disinformation with Capital B’s dynamic storytelling on issues affecting Black communities.” This seems to be blatant election interference, manipulating what information voters are able to access.

Significantly, Soros has provided $80 million for groups pushing online censorship ahead of the 2024 election, MRC revealed in May. Poynter specifically received grants that amounted to nearly $500,000 total from Soros’s Open Society Foundations between 2016 and 2019.

Akoto Ofori-Atta, the co-founder and chief audience officer at Capital B, lectured, “We’re quickly approaching a presidential election that will decide the trajectory of the country, and we’re continuing to see Black communities regularly targeted and fed political disinformation.” This statement did not acknowledge the damage to free speech during a crucial election year, when the information voters can access influences the candidate they vote for.

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