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A bombshell report indicated that Google blocked ads from an animal advocacy group that raised awareness on cruel dog experiments.

The experiments were funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH), a division led by Dr. Anthony Fauci. 

WCW discovered that the NIH “spent $424,000 to commission a study in which healthy beagles are given an experimental drug and then intentionally infested with flies that carry a disease-causing parasite that affects humans.”

The White Coat Coat Waste Project (WCW), a group dedicated to animal rights, released ads in August on the horrific experiments funded by taxpayer dollars.

However, WCW’s Vice President of Advocacy and Public Policy, Justin Goodman, said the group discovered the ads were blocked during an ad search.

“To spread the word, we attempted to run Google search ads so that when people searched for NIH or Fauci or Fauci dogs, they’d see ads about the experiments that are being funded by the NIH,” Goodman told Inquire.

The company was not clear on what policy the ads violated.

“Not only did they take them down, but they suspended our account. It remains suspended now. And they’ve refused to provide any information about what was wrong with the ads and why they took them down,” he added.

WCW appealed the removal but Google denied the appeal.

Inquire said the censorship of the ads is “yet another in a string of opaque decisions made by Google when it comes to censorship on their platforms. Because Google controls a massive chunk of the digital advertising market, any organization that is prohibited from running ads there is being shut out of a massive portion of the global communications circuit.”

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