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Liberal propaganda ruins everything, even comic books.  

The January edition of Captain America featured a reptilian supervillain named Viper who sounded a lot like Republican presidential candidates. Viper ranted about American exceptionalism and said, “Someone has to make America marvelous again.” He also complained about “overreaching government” oppressing businesses and asked, “Where in the constitution is anyone promised clean air, anyhow? Sounds to me like free market demand for filtration systems and gas masks.”

As The Root reported, Viper and his lackeys were called the Serpent Society in the 1980s but later become Serpent Solutions, “offering low-cost, highly efficient ‘services’ to big business.”

In a previous issue, Viper made disturbing comments about child labor and proposed kidnapping people and turning them into iguanas for business. He also joked about telling off “Bain,” likely a reference to former republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s company Bain Capital.

Captain America fought a similar-sounding group called Sons of the Serpent when villains harassed immigrants at the US-Mexican border.  “By invading this sovereign land, you defy the laws of God, nature and the United States Constitution!” one of the villains shouted at immigrants.

Have no fear though, liberals. Captain America saved the day, and beat up those evil conservatives.

Marvel Comics, who publishes Captain America, has attacked conservatives in the past. For example, in Captain America’s “Two America’s” issue, the superhero and his sidekick planned to infiltrate a Tea Party rally.

One of the African-American characters worried, “I don’t exactly see a black man from Harlem fitting in with a bunch of angry white folks,” and called Tea Partiers a “grassroots anti-government army.”

In 2009, Marvel portrayed Spiderman giving President Obama a fist bump. In the comic, Spiderman saved Obama’s inauguration from a meddling supervillain.