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The Associated Press (AP) found a way to make President Joe Biden look like an American prophet warning about rising energy prices, without mentioning how his anti-oil agenda is contributing to the growing crisis.

AP ran a puff story headlined, “Biden administration sounds alarm on rising energy prices.” The lede paragraph was just as ridiculous: “President Joe Biden’s administration is raising alarms at home and abroad about rising energy prices slowing the nation’s recovery from the pandemic-induced recession.” GasBuddy Head of Petroleum Analysis Patrick De Haan argued in April that Biden’s energy plan was contributing to rising gas prices.

In addition, Bloomberg News reported in July that Biden was “preparing to release a blueprint for limiting sales of U.S. drilling rights that falls short of the outright ban sought by some environmentalists.” The move came “as rising oil and gasoline prices highlight the risks of curtailing domestic crude production,” according to Bloomberg News. World Oil republished the Bloomberg story under the headline: “Biden continues his anti-U.S. oil and gas push while crude demand rises.”

The AP report has since been stealth-edited to reflect a less pro-Biden headline: “Biden team is seeking ways to address rising energy prices.” The lede paragraph has been changed as well.

Guess what: AP’s report didn’t mention the damning context while propping up Biden’s alleged concern about rising gas prices. The outlet even had the audacity to hype up Biden’s National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan looking to the “international oil cartel” Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) “to move faster to restore global supply of petroleum to pre-pandemic levels.” AP, of course, didn’t mention Biden’s actions killing U.S. energy independence such as nuking the Keystone XL Pipeline and halting fossil fuel leasing on federal lands. 



Fox Business host Charles Payne ripped the AP story (re-published by ABC News) and the Biden administration on Twitter for their gaslighting on the latter’s anti-oil crusade.



Payne wasn’t alone. His fellow Fox Business host David Asman also tore into the Biden administration for passing the buck to OPEC while its own policies kill U.S energy.



But AP only seemed concerned with protecting Biden’s nonexistent image as a defender of U.S. energy interests. The outlet also recently ran one of its phony fact-checks headlined: “AP FACT CHECK: House GOP falsely blames Biden for gas prices.”

Conservatives are under attack. Contact the Associated Press at 212-621-1500 and tell them to report the truth about how Biden’s anti-oil agenda is killing U.S. energy.