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The New York Times acted as the public relations arm for a leftist group funded by far-left billionaire George Soros and its multimillion-dollar efforts to fight voter integrity laws.

The Times propagandized how the radical super PAC Priorities USA was spending a whopping $20 million “to counteract Republican-driven voting restrictions through both digital ad campaigns and legal efforts.”

The Times painted Democrats as moral crusaders and Republicans as anti-democratic tyrants: “The initial $20 million investment from Priorities comes as Democrats across the country are struggling to fight back against the Republican push to restrict voting.” The newspaper made no mention, however, of the connection between Soros and Priorities USA. His Democracy PAC gave Priorities USA Action $5,500,000 during the 2020 cycle alone.

In addition, Soros’s Open Society Foundations (OSF) gave the group’s nonprofit affiliate, Priorities USA Foundation, at least $1,500,000 between 2018 and 2019 alone.

The Times whined that efforts up until now to halt states from enacting voter integrity laws have been futile. “Opposition from major corporations, faith groups, civil rights groups and celebrities has done little to stymie new voting laws in key states like Georgia, Florida, Iowa and Arizona.”



The Times complained that the Democrats were losing in other key election fights, including the disastrous H.R. 1 election bill. The newspaper also took a veiled shot at Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) for not being willing to nuke the filibuster to push H.R. 1 through Congress:

Democrats in Washington appear to be on the brink of a defeat of their expansive federal voting bill, the For the People Act [H.R. 1], with Republicans united in opposition and moderate Democrats unwilling to kill the filibuster to pass the legislation.

Manchin had pointed out the deleterious effects that killing the filibuster would have on the Senate. “The U.S. Senate is the most deliberative body in the world. It was made so that we work together in a bipartisan way. If you get rid of the filibuster, there's no reason to have a Senate,” Manchin said.

The newspaper also pushed the sentiments of Priorities USA Executive Director Danielle Butterfield, who baselessly impugned the intelligence of minorities by centering the group’s campaign on race:

‘The purpose of this program is to really center the voters who we know are particularly targeted by the Republicans’ suppression efforts … Those are voters of color, Black and Latino voters specifically, and we plan to center them both in our creative and our targeting to make sure that they are aware of how empowering voting is.’

The Times seems to have a habit of propping up the leftist agendas of groups either funded by or connected to Soros. Recently, the newspaper promoted how Data for Progress, a liberal project of the dark money group Tides Advocacy, had “grown comfortable with mainstream influence” in President Joe “Biden’s Washington.” OSF funded Tides Advocacy with at least $4,485,000 between 2017 and 2019.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact The New York Times at 800-698-4637 and demand it update its report to highlight Priorities USA’s connections to George Soros.