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Liberal billionaire George Soros had far more reach during the Obama administration than previously known, according to The Hill.

Hill investigative columnist John Solomon wrote on Aug. 7, “newly released department memos providing a rare glimpse into the Democratic donor's extraordinary access to the Obama administration.” Solomon called out the left’s hypocrisy, noting that the same liberals who “admire” Soros and receive his funding “advocate to eliminate the corrupting influence of big political money.”

“Often, those liberals suggest it's a Republican problem,” Solomon wrote. “But the 2016 State memos offer a powerful irony: In many ways, Soros is emblematic of the very financial influence and access that liberals seek to eliminate.”

Through those new memos, political donation records, internal documents and interviews Solomon illustrated the way Soros’ political, business and philanthropic interests all aligned closely. Many of the new memos show Soros’ for-profit and nonprofit groups reaching out to the State Department in 2016 about Ukraine following the ouster of its president.

He found that “Then-Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland received repeated calls, emails and meeting requests from Soros,” specifically with regards to concerns that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s plans for Ukraine were “a threat” to Soros’ own vision for the country.

One memo to Nuland urged the U.S. to intervene in The European Union promoting visa liberalization for Ukraine and Georgia. Before Nuland, Soros had also turned to Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta about Ukraine policy.


Solomon’s interviews with Soros’ inner circle revealed that communications between the billionaire and the Obama administration happened “often,” also citing a 2010 meeting with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as an example.

Soros was one of Clinton’s top ten 2016 donors, giving $10.6 million to her campaign. He actually supported her before that and even advised her on foreign policy while she was Secretary of State under President Barack Obama.

The Washington Times reported Secretary of State Clinton had “aligned herself closely with a vision for America laid out by her benefactor — left-wing financier George Soros, who talks of ‘international governance,’ more open borders, increased Muslim immigration and diminished U.S. global power.”

Years earlier, USAID, The State Department and several other government agencies gave $364 million in taxpayer dollars to the Soros-funded Internews Network, a massive international liberal journalism non-profit, between 2002 and 2012.

Solomon’s column exposed what the liberal media rarely will: that Soros is “arguably one of the largest, most influential donors of his generation.” His almost $1 billion a year in giving is “leaving an indelible imprint on policy positions of liberals worldwide.”

“His reach and influence range from two dozen prosecutors he helped to elect in the United States, to fellows he helped train at the State Department, to global media institutions that he supports to the tune of $26 million annually,” Solomon continued.
