Government Agencies

Joseph Vazquez | June 21, 2024

NBC News is having a nervous breakdown over the Biden administration not doing enough to fight so-called “domestic disinformation” before the 2024 election.

“The Biden admin has no firm plan to call out domestic disinformation in the 2024…

Gabriela Pariseau | June 20, 2024

President Joe Biden sits atop a censorship regime made up of federal agencies that has repeatedly pressured Big Tech social media companies to clamp down on those who express views in opposition to his own. 

The U.S. Supreme Court is…

Joseph Vazquez | June 19, 2023

A government watchdog group shared exclusive documents with MRC Business exposing an apparently incestuous relationship between Bloomberg News and President Joe Biden’s Treasury Department. 

The Functional Government Initiative…

Joseph Vazquez | May 26, 2023

Targeted groups and individuals were fired up over MRC Free Speech America’s bombshell report exposing President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security for weaponizing tax dollars against Americans.

MRC Free Speech America…

Gabriela Pariseau | April 27, 2023

When every major sector of elite society promotes censorship using the same words like misinformation and "information pollution," it almost seems like these people are working in tandem. The Twitter Files part 20 indicates that they are doing…

Leftist ratings firm NewsGuard claimed that it’s not federally funded after journalists accused the organization of receiving government money at the recent Twitter Files hearing. But NewsGuard lists the Department of Defense and State Department…

Joseph Vazquez | July 19, 2022

A new data release by the liberal American Civil Liberties Union appears to expose nefarious Big Government data-mining happening right under your nose.

The ACLU issued a report July 18 headlined, “New Records Detail DHS Purchase and Use…

Catherine Salgado | April 18, 2022

The U.S. government targeted undercover journalism outfit Project Veritas, including through secret orders to Apple, Google and Microsoft, Reclaim The Net reported.

Reclaim The Net shared several different documents that reportedly reveal…

Joseph Vazquez | January 19, 2022

A leftist group funded by billionaire George Soros secured a massive government contract to help illegal immigrants avoid being deported.

The Vera Institute of Justice (VIJ), which “views immigration enforcement agencies as a ‘threat’ to…

Catherine Salgado | January 12, 2022

President Joe Biden’s new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Chief of Staff Kristie Canegallo has a politically leftist, pro-censorship history that should raise concerns for free speech advocates.

Kristie Canegallo, formerly Google’s…

Joseph Vazquez | January 7, 2022

CNN just can’t catch a break in its crusade to spin President Joe Biden’s atrocious economy in a way that benefits his image.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released an awful jobs report showing that the economy only added a “dismal” 199,…

Joseph Vazquez | December 3, 2021

CNN is adding to its long list of “L’s.” It tried to get out in front of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) spinning the jobs recovery as robust before the actual jobs report dropped.

CNN published a story early Dec. 3 celebrating…

Joseph Vazquez | November 24, 2021

The St. Louis Federal Reserve saw fit to patronize Americans about the inflated price tag of this year’s Thanksgiving dinners by telling them to just eat soy instead.

The St. Louis Fed published a blog Nov. 18 doing public relations for…

Joseph Vazquez | November 15, 2021

President Joe Biden’s pro-censorship nominee to the Federal Communications Commission is heavily connected to liberal billionaire George Soros.

Tech on the Rocks Podcast host Gigi Sohn, who has a documented history of left-wing bias…

Joseph Vazquez | October 15, 2021

The ABC and NBC evening newscasts tried to sweep major warnings that Americans will face skyrocketing energy prices this winter under the rug for two straight days of coverage.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)…

Joseph Vazquez | July 14, 2021

The derelict ABC, CBS and NBC morning news networks bypassed a new inflation report showing consumer prices skyrocketing at record paces in the U.S. They ignored the report as if it didn’t exist.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)…

Joseph Vazquez | June 9, 2021

CNN acted as an echo chamber for Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell as he tried to spin that “profound challenges” to the global economy are coming due to climate change.

CNN Business Lead Writer Matt Egan’s pro-Powell story led with…

Joseph Vazquez | January 19, 2021

It looks as if the government is returning to its old habits of trying to exploit the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to attack conservative nonprofits.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) is urging IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig “to…

Joseph Vazquez | January 18, 2021

CBS News has become a propaganda arm for President-elect Joe Biden administration’s leftist economic plans to prop up his image. It threw more than 1 million workers under the bus to make Biden look good.

The outlet published an opinion…

Joseph Vazquez | January 6, 2021

Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank published a babbling op-ed smearing Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Russ Vought.

It’s worth noting that Milbank is the same individual who disturbingly said he’d eat his own print…