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Business & Media Institute Re-Launches Web Site With Added Features
Upgraded site offers more content as BMI prepares launch of new newsletter.

By Dan Gainor
June 27, 2005

     What a difference a day makes. The Business & Media Institute Web site has improved far beyond what it was just a little while ago. While it wasnt exactly over night, it probably seems that way to many visitors.

     Its been almost a year since I took the helm as director of the Business & Media Institute. Its been a good year for BMI. Weve had more than 50 broadcast appearances just in 2005, surpassing our total for all of 2004. The Business & Media Institute has also written op-eds in newspapers such as the Orange County Register, New York Post and The Washington Times. Our National Chairman Herman Cain has been all over the news and even has his own radio show now.

     But this isnt about looking back, its about looking forward. The re-launched BMI Web site is a key component in helping defend the culture of free enterprise in this country and just one of the tools we will use to educate people about the advantages of a free-market system. The new site offers added information, a new logo and new features. We also are in the midst of launching a new weekly e-mail newsletter that will examine how the media cover business and economic issues, as well as suggest ways to improve that reporting.

     The new site is designed to serve the needs of readers by providing regular content on media coverage of business and economics. It includes:

    Resources: Businesspeople and journalists will discover a wealth of information including: a database of experts on a variety of business topics; fact sheets on major business and economic issues; daily links to important free market topics; and regular commentary from top economists. Ongoing coverage: The Business & Media Institute will continue to deliver its reliable assessment of the bad and good reporting of business issues. Periodic Special Reports: These in-depth studies analyze key economic and business topics in the news. Past reports have focused on the problems at Fannie Mae, the economic errors in Social Security reporting and many other newsworthy topics. SPECIAL BONUS: Visitors who sign up for the new Business & Media Institute weekly newsletter will receive exclusive access to a Special Report: Taking Stock of Media Business Coverage. This report goes into extensive detail about the flaws in media coverage of business and economics from Social Security to jobs. It also includes 10 important recommendations on how the media can improve coverage.

This is an exciting time to part of the effort to help protect the future of the free enterprise system in our nation. We welcome your comments and criticisms on the new site and anything else we do. Most of all, we appreciate your support so that we can do our part to keep the free market system strong in America.

Dan Gainor
Director, Business & Media Institute