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Unhappy Anniversary: Katrina Insurance Battle Continues

Journalists have paraded lawyer Dickie Scruggs and his plaintiffs against insurance companies, calling a recent ruling a blow to hurricane victims. But those homeowners and the general audience are getting shortchanged by the medias omissions of fact.

While Insurance Companies Targeted, Taxpayers Soaked
Ted Frank, director of AEIs Liability Project, explains in a guest column how the government created the flood exclusion in private insurance policies and how taxpayers pay while the media blame business.

G: USA Today, ABC notice lower gas prices
B: What a difference a page makes in Wash. Post global warming coverage
U: NBC leaves out bias of psychologist who blames advertising for obesity

Fuel for Thought: Hurricane Season Below Average
Networks love to link warmer oceans to global warming. But what happens when oceans cool? A hint: not much media coverage.

What a Difference a Page Makes for Global Warming, Hurricanes


Gov. Marc Racicot: Mississippi Attorney Generals Lawsuit Casts Shadow Over Katrina Recovery (American Justice Partnership)

Democrats' Shameful Wal-Mart Demonization (L.A. Times)

Double Dose of Kudlow
On Low-Tax Economy, Bush Has the Story Right (RCP)
25 years after Reagan tax cuts, economy still cruising along (NRO)

Cooler heads on global warming (Americas Future Foundation)

Citizens Taking Care of Citizens During Disasters
The Heritage Foundation
Washington, D.C., August 24

Book Forum: Crisis of Abundance with author Arnold Kling
Cato Institute
Washington, D.C., August 29

Prospects for Reform of U.S. Agricultural Policy With or without Doha
Cato Institute
Washington, D.C., August 31
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