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Minimum Rage

A New York Times reporter has called the Democrats argument for raising the minimum wage straightforward. A CNN host has called opponents arguments a lot of bull. Its not hard to see where the media are on the issue but we bring you the facts theyre leaving out.

Forget Tea Leaves: Read Congresss Bills to Forecast Future Deficits
Just how much taxpayer money is each member of Congress proposing to spend? Our colleagues at the National Taxpayers Union give us an idea.

G: USA Today reports the dastardly results of over taxation
B: CNN bored by housing situation boring but once feared a bubble burst
U: NY Times, Wash. Post portray Wal-Mart as acquitted criminal with court ruling

ABC, NBC Spin Strong Housing Numbers Negatively

CNNs Dobbs Insists Author of Anti-Free Trade Book is No Protectionist

Post Environmental Reporter Urges Gore to Run in 2008


Glenn Reynolds: Economy booming thanks to strong small business sector (TCSDaily)

Halting global tax tyranny (FreedomWorks)

The economic truths about immigration (Independent Institute)

Abolish the jury draft (Cato)

D.C. residency rules called threat to taxi driver livelihood (WashPost)

Illogical special trade deals (AEI)

2006 Educational Choice Speaker Series July Luncheon
The Heartland Institute
Chicago, Ill., July 27

Comprehensive Immigration Reform for a Growing Economy
Cato Institute
Washington, D.C., August 1

2006 Liberty, Economy & Society Summer Seminars
The Independent Institute
Oakland, Calif., August 7-11

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